Chapter Sixteen

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I do not own Harry Potter or Sailor Moon characters. Only my OC character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Authors Comments\


We undo our transformation and go over to Kunitachi-san as he awakens.

"Ami-chan, what have I been doing?" Kunitachi-san questions, hand on his head.

"It's okay now. Don't worry. You were just having a bad dream." Ami-chan replies.

Mamoru walks up to us, drenched. "Good grief, that was awful."

"Mamoru-san! Is it okay for you to get up?" Rei queries.

"Yeah, I'm completely fine now!" Mamoru says as he looks up.

Rei whispers in Usagi's ear, though I didn't hear what she said. "There's no way this guy can be Tuxedo Mask!" Usagi exclaims.

"Huh? What's this Tuxedo Mask?" Mamoru asks.

"Oh, no, it's nothing at all," Rei denies.

Lunetta walks from around the corner, joins me and stands by my side, holding my arm with a dreamy smile. "Is something the matter, Little Moon?" I question softly.

Lunetta shakes her head. "No, everything is just fine." She replies dreamily.

"If you say so." I agree softly before looking back towards Rei and Usagi, who are again glaring at each other.


~~~Selena's POV~~~

~~~Home Economics Class~~~

Ms Akiyama is drawing on the board, showing us how to make Darts, though most of the class is sitting there with bored looks.

"This is how you make darts." She tells us before she blushes and lets out a sigh. Naru-chan looks up at her, surprised, and Lunetta and I share a knowing look.

Usagi talks in her sleep. "Another chocolate parfait, please."

Ms Akiyama walks over to the window and gazes out of it with a dreamy look. A larger blush appears on her face as she closes her eyes, a smile on her face and places her hands on her cheeks.

~~~After Class~~~

Usagi, Naru-chan, Lunetta, and I sit together after getting ice cream.

"I wonder what the matter with Ms Akiyama is." Naru-chan questions.

Usagi lets out a loud yawn. "I can't stand it. It's because of that home economics class. I'm so sleepy."

Naru-chan leans forward. "Ms Akiyama used to be so enthusiastic about sewing,"

Umino appears out of nowhere, causing Naru-chan and Usagi to shout surprised. "It is because..."

"Why are you always showing up from the least expected places?!" They both shout, causing Lunetta and me to let out a soft chuckle.

Umino continued talking like Usagi, and Naru-chan didn't just shout at him. "The reason Ms Higure Akiyama is acting weird...has a great deal to do with her engagement."

"Engagement?!" The four of us exclaim. I wasn't expecting that...a boyfriend, sure, but not engagement.

"Yes! Higure Akiyama 34 years old and still single. Ms Akiyama has wished with all her heart to get married, and the greatest dream of her life is to have a luxurious wedding in a wedding dress that she made herself." Umino closes his notebook. "He may not be what you'd call ideal, but as long as there's love..."

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