Chapter 68:The Dark Condition

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Five days  on November 5th later after their Vacation,Bret and Fretzie went back home when James was in Bed and Wearing Oxygen Mask for his Condition.


Bret:Oh no.

Fretzie:What happened?

Andrea:He Cursed God,He hugged the Darkness.

Yuri:He collapsed later on and we gave him medical attention.


Fretzie:Tell me.

Yuri:He was Summoned by the Dark Spirit.

Doctor Dohnanyi went in.

Dr.Dohnanyi:Bret,Fretzie,I am going to wake him up.

Fretzie:When did he sleep?

Yuri:Five Days,He never woke up.

Andrea:That was the First Effect.

Fretzie:Who told you?

Andrea:Wyler and Sol Ju,It’s Complicated but.

Fretzie:Tell me.

Andrea:Wyler and Sol Ju were Servants of Ann,Its hard to Believe but….

Fretzie:I Understand,Atleast they are Helping him.

Dr.Dohnanyi is going to Wake him up and Suddenly James opened his Eyes Slowly.


Dr.Dohnanyi:James,Are you Alright?

James:What happened?

Dr.Dohnanyi:You lost consciousness.

James:Am I Fainted?


James:I Hugged the Darkness,I Hug the Dark Spirit…I Cursed him.

Dr.Dohnanyi:I Understand you,We all understand what have you done,Come on and Sit Down.

James Sat Down on the Bed wearing his Physical Training Uniform and Army Long Pants.

Dr.Dohnanyi:Do you see anything?

James:Yes,I saw you,All of you even the House.


James:Its winter,Its Cold Winter.

Fretzie checked the Weather but it was a Sunny Day.

Fretzie:There is some kind of Mistake but its Clear its sunny Day.

James:Its not,Its Cold and Its Winter,I wanna go to the Window.


James went to the Window.

Dr.Dohnanyi:What do you see.

James saw Winter,But in Real Eyes,It was Sunny Day.

James:Its Snow,Its Cold winter.

Andrea shocked,Criend and Disbelieved on his condition.

James:Im Sorry.

Andrea:Its ok James.

James:Andrea,Don’t Cry,it will be fine,I will wait for Annand I hope she will come.

Andrea:I Understand.

Andrea is still crying.


Dr.Dohnanyi:Bret,Fretzie,Andrea,Yuri,Come with me,We will Talk and James,We are Leave for a Moment,I will Check you back.

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