Chapter 8:Mark My Word,Mark My Love.

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After The Kiss between Biggel and Tin and the Dinner last night,Another Day shines and its their Last day in Fort Hood because they will be moved to Another Military Base along With The Knight Armor Company,Knight Sky Company,Knight Bird Battalion and Night Hawk Battalion which was in Colorado Springs and Home of North American Aerospace Defense Command,Fort Carson,Falcon Air Force Base and Peterson Air Base,In Cheyenne Mountains,Colorado,and they will Do Patrols for their Last Day of their Training,Slater will Do Ground Patrols,Joya will do Air Patrols via 2 UH-60 Blackhawks and Divine will Patrol along with James in the River Via Zodiac Patrol Boat.

James:Alright people,This is our Last Day of Training because we are moving to our Headquarters.

Kigoy,Where was it Sir?

James:Cheyenne Mountains,Colorado Springs,Colorado.


Joya:Jamie,That was the Home of NORAD,Fort Carson and 2 Airbases.

James:That's right,My Dad which was now the Chief of Staff of the Army Had gave me His Headquarters as the new Knight Company Headquarters,My Dad trained in Fort Carson during Vietnam Days,and since he was a general,he made a headquarters just like NORAD.

Divine:Bunker Jamie?

James:Yes,And its the same as NORAD but it has all Facilities and Everything you need was there.

Slater:Like a Hotel?


Slater:But before that,We have to do Patrol.

James:Land,Air and River Patrols and Its Now!

As the Entire Company Rushed in to their Stations and Headed to a River for a Patrol.

Background Music:The Sun Is Up By Inna. 

James:Butcher,Come in?

Slater:Yes Dark Knight?

James:What's Your Status on the Road?

Slater:All Clear and we See you.

James:I See you and that's a Convoy.

Ann:Jamie,I See you!

James:Ann,Stay at the Vehicle,we see you back to base after this.

Ann:Ok,Yuri and Andrea,Are you Excited for the Next Stop?

Yuri:Yeah,Atleast our Company Training Look Good.

Andreal:And we Developed our relationship during training.

Ann:Ok guys,Slater Keep Driving.

Slater:Yes Annie.

Slater Keeps Driving Circled to Return to Base while Divine is Radioed By James.

Divine:Dark Knight,this is Frost.

James:Come in Frost.

Divine:River is Clear,I Think this exercise Get us Better.

James:Alright,See you Back to Base.

Divine:Roger Dark Knight,Frost out.

James Saw 2 Blackhawks and it was Joya's Platoon.

Joya:Shotgun to Dark Knight.

James:Dark Knight,We are Heading Home,Returning to Base.

Joya:Copy,Heading Home.

After that,They Returned to Base and James get to Rest and The Company Rested,in the middle of the night Joya,Slater,Biggel,Tin,Seichi,Pamu,Andrea and Yuri talk about themselves in different locations,Joya and Slater are Outside the Camp,Biggel and Tin are in their Tent,Seichi and Pamu are in the Humvees and Andrea and Yuri went to the Seat.



Joya:Yes Slater.

Slater:Many Years Past Since we Met in Kosovo,Until now we are still Friends.

Joya:Yeah,I Remember the days we fight for their freedom,but sometimes we have days that we are together as friends.

Slater:But Joya,i wanna tell you about my feelings.

Joya:Ok,im open.

Slater:Joya,since we are friends,i cant explain my feelings to you because.

Joya:Because what?

Slater:We are more than Friends Joya.

Joya:What do you mean Slater?

Slater:Sergeant First Class Joya Jimenea Genzola,I Fell in love with you.

Joya:You Love me?

Slater Cried at that moment.

Slater:Yes,I Love You,You are the one who can change my life forever no matter what.

Joya:Slater,i have to tell you something.

Joya Cried at that moment also.

Joya:Sergeant Slater Young,I Love You Too.

Slater:I Love You Joya.

Joya:I Love You Too Joya.

Their gaze where like magnets pulling them closer to one another, with no hesitation he captured her lips which she returned gladly, he cupped her face so he deepen their kiss, his tongue trying to make his way to her mouth and in no time at all she let him in, their tongues are now battling with one another, tasting, feeling each other.He broke the kiss in need of air, she rest her forehead on his, as they continue to look at each other and afterwards they went to rest.

Meanwhile on Biggel and Tin's Side,They talked about what happened and they expressed feelings eachother.



Biggel:Im Sorry about saving you but your kiss to me was pretty.

Tin:Pretty nice and im sorry because i wanna thank you for saving my life.

Biggel:Im not mad at you,but i have feelings for you.

Tin:You fell in Love with Me?

Biggel:Yes,And Because of that Kiss yesterday,you change my life.

Tin:And because of that,I Love you too.

Biggel:Tin,I Love you no matter what.

Tin:I Love you too.

Tin and Biggel Kissed again just like Slater and Joya,Another moment which was Seichi and Pamu on the humvees.



Seichi:I Love You.


Seichi:Because I Love You.

Pamu:Well,I Love you too.

Seichi:Thank You,but why you love me?

Pamu:Because I Love You.

Seichi Kissed Pamu in 45 Seconds quietly and Finally Andrea and Yuri Talked about their Relationship.


Yuri:Yes Andie.

Andrea:You Know what,We are More than Friends.

Yuri:Yeah,I Know.

Andrea:Atleast now,we are leaving Fort Hood and Heading to Cheyenne.

Yuri:I Hope Cold can Survive our love even the Bright Skies Day or Night.

Andrea:I Love You Yuri Malashenko.

Yuri:I Love You Too Andrea Chen.

Andrea and Yuri Kissed Romanticly in about 1 Minute and afterwards,They went to sleep and rest for the night

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