Prologue Act II:The Funeral

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The Next Day,The Funeral of Ann began via Announced Press Conference stated by the Secretary of State Robi Domingo in his Visit in United Korean Republic.

SecState Domingo:Good Morning To All Of You,Ive recieved a Call from Secretary of Defense Michael Li to Announce this that her Daughter Ann was passed away at exactly 12:00 PM and the Funeral will began as of this moment,The Funeral will be until November 3rd due to her Last will Testament which that she will be cremated,And The Secretary of Defense and his family needs their Privacy at this moment,Thank you very much.

Afterwards,the funeral service started which they were visited by different personalities including General Shepherd,House Speaker Watson,Senate President Miller,General Reid,The Knight Company Sergeants,Friends of Ann and the President of the United States.

CIA Shepherd:Good Day Secretary.

SecDef Li:Good Day Sir.

CIA Shepherd:On Behalf of the Central Intellegence Agency,We send Condolences to your Family after the Loss of your Daughter.

SecDef Li:Thank You Sir.

HS Watson:Good Day Sir,We Send Condolences to your Family.

SecDef Li:Thank you Madamme Speaker.

SP Miller:Good Day Mr Secretary,We Send Condolences to your Family.

SecDef Li:Thank You Senate President.

General Reid:Secretary Li,We send condolences to your family on behalf of the United States Armed Forces and the Reid Family.

SecDef Li:Thank You General Li.

Joya:Mr Secretary,We Send Condolences on Behalf of our Company.

SecDef Li:Thank you Sergeant Genzola.

Divine:We heard about Ann's loss,we are very sad of that.

SecDef Li:Thank You Sergeant Smith.

Slater:She's a good girl for the Company,She's our Friend for all of us.

SecDef Li:Thank You Sergeant Young.

Fretzie:We and our Friends sending Condolences to your Family after the Lost of our Friend Ann Mr Secretary.

SecDef Li:Thank you Fretzie,you are a good friends with ann and we thank you for making Ann as your Bestfriend and to others.

Fretzie:Thank You Sir.

Andrea:Sir,We send Condolen....

SecDef Li:Andrea,you are part of our family,dont call me sir,Call me Father or Dad.

Andrea:Thank you Father,im sorry for that.

SecDef Li:You are part of our family now Andrea like Ann.

Andrea:Thank you.


SecDef Li:Yuri,Did you bring James here.

Yuri:Im very sorry sir,but James cant make to the funeral but we will try tomorrow as we could,i know what happened to Ann but its painful to my friend that he loved her sir.

SecDef Li:Thank you for that,i hope that he will come here.

Yuri:Yes sir and Condolences for your Family sir.

SecDef Li:Thank you.

The Second day,James went to the Funeral along with Yuri.


SecDef Li:James,Glad to See you.

James:Im sorry if i never attend the funeral,im sorry that i hurt your daughter.

SecDef Li:No need to say that.

James went to Ann's Coffin and his tears Dropped silently with Yuri holding James's Shoulder.



Yuri:What is it?

James:We have to leave,i want to be alone.


James:Please Yuri,Lets go home.


James leave the Church with Yuri and sent back home but Andrea went in.


James:Andrea,what are you doing here?

Andrea:Im just wondering if you want to go home with me.

James:I wanted to be alone please.

Yuri:James,We need her,she's your friend.




And they went to James's house.

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