Chapter 23:The Last Eight Days.

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After the Date,Andrea,Ann,Yuri and James went to the Pancake House,Andrea told to Ann and James that She will going to Yuri's Hometown in Ivanovo,Russia.

Ann:Hi Andrea.

Andrea:Hi James and Ann.

James:So whats up?

Andrea:Guys,i wanna tell you something?

James:What is it?

Andrea:Me and Yuri will Going to His hometown in Ivanovo,Russia.

James:Wow,You are going to Russia.

Ann:Nice one.

Yuri:I will meet her to my Parents so i will tell them that i loved her.

James:Good luck on that Yuri.

Yuri:Take care of Ann ok.

James:Ofcourse my Friend.

Ann:Good Luck out there,I will miss you.

Ann Hugged Andrea,this was the last time she will see her again.

Ann:Take Care of Yourself.

Andrea:Yes Ann.

Andrea and Yuri left to the Airport to Russia.


Yuri:Dasvidanya Guys!

Ann:What's that mean?

James:That was Russian for Goodbye.



Andrea and Yuri arrived in Russia Few Hours Later.


Andrea:Where are we?

Yuri:We are in Moscow.

Andrea:How we are going to Ivanovo?

Yuri:Another Flight here.


Yuri:Ivanovo Here i Come.

Andrea:Good Luck.

Yuri:But before that,we need to eat first.

Andrea and Yuri Bought some Tea Cakes for their Trip to Ivanovo.

Andrea:What was that?

Yuri:Tea Cakes.

Andrea:Nice,we need more of them.

Yuri:Ok and We have to Go because we have a flight to Ivanovo.

Andrea and Yuri Arrived in Moscow and went to Ivanovo Another hours later.

Yuri:Here we are,Ivanovo Russia,The Place where i was Born.

Andrea:Wow,what a beautiful place.

Yuri:I will get to my home.

Andrea and Yuri went to Yuri's Home and they gaved a warmed welcome and met with his brother Alexander Nikolayev Malashenko and Nikolai Malashenko.

Alexander[In Russian]:Yuri!

Nikolai[In Russian]:Yuri!

Yuri[In Russian]:My Brothers!

Alexander,Nikolai and Yuri Reunited for the first time since Yuri Left Russia,Alexander and Nikolai were Russian Army Soldiers Based in Chechnya.

Yuri[In Russian]:Where's our Mother?

Alexander[In Russian]:She's here even our father.

Nikolai[In Russian]:They are still fine and they missed you.

Yuri's Mother[In Russian]:Yuri,My Son!

Yuri[In Russian]:Mother!,I Miss you so much!

Yuri's Mother[In Russian]:Me Too My Son,Who's With you.

Yuri[In Russian]:Its my Girlfriend,Andrea Chen.

Andrea:Hello there.

Yuri's Mother[In Russian]:Hello Girl,Yuri,Your girlfriend is Beautiful,She will be your wife forever.

Yuri[In Russian]:Mom,Dont do that to my girlfriend.

Yuri's Mother[In Russian]:Dont worry,Its ok.

Andrea met Yuri's Parents and they have dinner at that time,Back at Washington DC,in Ann's Home,She Wrote her Last Will Testament Before She Died.

After 2 Days,Ann and James went to DC to tour around it and Send Pictures on Both of them in every Places in DC,After another 2 days,They went to La Fayette Square to Plant a Tree For them.


Ann:I planted a Tree for now,Our Tree for our love.

James:Thanks Ann,You are still beautiful even now.

Ann:Same to you.


Ann:It will Grow for Five Years same as our Love.

James:It was Ann.

Ann and James Went Back Home and it was Snowing around DC,They are Playing in the middle of the Snow,In no time he caught her, he grabs her wrist and pulled her closer to him causing both of them to lose balance and fall. She was on top of him, their eyes locked to one another, and for that moment they feel that the world stopped before them,James wears his Army Combat Uniform despite winter and a Patrol Cap while Ann wears her Yellow Blouse.



Ann:I Love You.

James:I Love You Too.

Their gaze where like magnets pulling them closer to one another, with no hesitation he captured her lips which she returned gladly, he cupped her face so he deepen their kiss, his tongue trying to make his way to her mouth and in no time at all she let him in, their tongues are now battling with one another, tasting, feeling each other.He broke the kiss in need of air, she rest her forehead on his, as they continue to look at each other and afterwards they went to rest,At the same Time,Ann Wrote her Last Will Testament before her death on October 31st.

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