Chapter 38:The Dark Mind.

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The Same Day,Vince and Andrea went to the Pentagon to visit General Reid,They Arrived 30 Minutes Later and they visited the Chief of Staff's Office Vince and Andreaa simple formal wear,a white long sleeve inside and black coat on the outside and without necktie and long black pants while Andrea wearing long skirt .

BACKGROUND MUSIC:11 - London Attack MW3 soundtrack

Andrea:General Reid.

General Reid:Andrea.

Vince:Sir,We need your help.

General Reid:Sergeant Andrade,What is all about?

Vince:We bring James home.

General Reid:Thank God,But what's the Problem.

Andrea:We decided to bring the Entire Company Home soon.

General Reid:I Told General Roycewicz to bring them Home.


General Reid:I Know that you wanted to bring all of them home,so i decided to bring them back to the homeland.

Vince:General Reid,thank you for that,we need the entire company for the security of Jamie.

General Reid:Ok then,By the way the Entire Company was Promoted,Vince,Joya,Slater,Divine will Promoted as Second Lieutenants while Jamie will become Major,Andrea and Yuri will become Sergeant and the others will promoted to sergeants,corporals and private first class,it will be the same as Fretzie and Bret's Companies.

Andrea:Thanks Sir.

Vince:By the way we have to go to Doctor Dohnanyi for Medical Assistance Crew.

General Reid:Ok son,Good luck.

Andrea:Thank You sir.

Andrea and Vince left the Pentagon and headed to Georgetown University Hospital to visit Doctor Dohnanyi.

Andrea:Doctor Dohnanyi.

Doctor Dohnanyi:Yes Andrea,what can we do for you?

Vince:We need your help,We need Medical Assistance for James.

Doctor Dohnanyi:Where's James?

Vince:He's Alone right now,we need your help before it become worst.

Doctor Dohnanyi:Dont worry,my team will be ready anytime.

Vince:Thank you Doctor.

Doctor Dohnanyi:One more thing,Take the Sleeping Inject Gun if there's any trouble,I Got 4 of these and the one is in the Gun.

Andrea:Thank You Doctor.

Vince and Andrea went back to James's house,Meanwhile Slater,Divine,Joya,Bret and Fretzie are heading towards the House of James all were wearing the same,a simple formal wear a white long sleeve inside and black coat on the outside and without necktie and long black pants while the girls wearing long skirt and they were in bulletproof vest for their protection,They were in 2 Vehicles which was Humvees,One on Slater,Divine and Joya and One on Bret and Fretzie,Slater get his phone and Called his Uncle which was the Chief of Police of the Washington DC Police Department.

Slater:Hello Uncle.

Chief Young:Slater,what you need?

Slater:I Need Backup,I Need 2 Regular Units and 2 Swat Units.

Chief Young:Where are you exactly?

Slater:Approaching to James's home in Virginia.

Chief Young:Copy that Slater,Sending in.

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