Chapter 87:Scorched Earth

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Sandman:Since You are now Saved Yuri,Where is Andrea Exactly?

Yuri:She is in Berlin with Security.

Grinch:Where is she in Berlin?

Yuri:I Don’t Know! But James and I Talked Before you rescued me.

Sandman:What he told you?

Yuri:His Forces will find Andrea and Bring to Paris,And He ordered his Army to Get her Alive and Bring on Her somewhere so he wanted me to suffer.

Joya:Sandman,May I borrow some of your Troops,We need to get Andrea before James will do something bad on her.

Sandman:I Got 3 Teams of Deltas will Come  to you,Who is going?

Grinch:I am.

Vince:Me too.

JSAI327:Me neither.

Ella:I go.

Joya:I receive report that Colonel Brooks along with Major JM,Major Charee,AJ and 3 of our Guys,Vince’s Brother,Frost’s Brother Grizzly and My Brother Thumper even You Sandman,If you four wanted to go,then I will allow you,Get her and Save her no matter what risk we have.


Sandman:Let’s Move out!

The Logo of Knight Company with Disavowed Sign were appeared and Spinned twice,Andrea's profile is uploaded as the satellite attempts to track her in Berlin.

Col.Brooks: Dark Forces tracked Andrea to Berlin. If they find the girl, it's only a matter of time until James Killed her and Yuri Suffered.

ISA tracking status: Searching.

Sandman: Do we have her exact location?

Battle Captain: Triangulating now.

The satellite triangulates her location in Berlin, a damaged hotel in the middle of the city. Status: Successful.

Col.Brooks: ISA cell phone snipers just intercepted a call from her.

Establishing connection.

Battle Captain: Patching you through in three, two, one.

As Sandman talks to Andrea, the hotel where she is trapped and the surrounding buildings are analyzed.

Sandman: Andrea Chen?

Andrea:Who is this?

Sandman: Andrea,This is Sandman.

Andrea: My security's dead. They're coming for me.

The building's floors are shown, and the three Chief's of security are marked as KIA on other floors, along with their security teams.

Sandman: Stay calm. We're en route to you now. Where are you exactly?

Andrea: Closet, fifth floor suite.

Sandman: Which side?

Andrea: I don't know. There's a building across the road...sign on the roof says Reisdorf. Please hurry!

Sandman: Okay, put the phone down and don't move. We'll come to you.

Little Bird flight, Granite, makes their way to Berlin.

Sandman: Andrea is still with us. Weapons tight and don't throw any shots.

The Mission Began

Grinch comes to and sees his hands and some soldiers wounded. Everything he hears is muffled and echoing. As his hearing recovers.

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