Chapter 54:The Sins of the Dictators.

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The Next Day,The Whole Korea celebrated the Day of Liberation in Pyongyang,President Cho Myung Ho declared that Pyongyang is Liberated By the US Armed Forces and The Korean Defectors even ROK Forces After A Year of Struggle to Liberate the City and After almost 57 Years of Struggle for Reunification of both Koreas from the Korean War,The Border between North and South was been Opened for the Asian Coalition Forces and they were stationed in Incheon,The United States Armed Forces were now Stationed in 5 Abandoned Korean People’s Army Bases in Pyongyang that no Longer used Anymore after the Coup,The US Army were Now Stationed in the Southernmost Base near the City,The US Air Force were Based in KPA Air Force Base in the South West,The US Navy were stationed in the Former Naval Base near the City,The US Marines were Stationed near the Naval Base 100 Miles Away,And the Knight Battalion including the 101st Airborne Units and Other Special Forces like Delta Force,Korean Special Forces and Korean Commandos and Even the Defector Forces were based in Sunan International Airport that was named Fort Bauer in honor to Colonel Bauer,The Colonel Survived the Attempt to Kill him but Yuri was survived his wounds on his shoulder,The Korean People’s Army were Fallen Back Before the US Forces will Captured them,On the Sunan International Airport,The Knight Birds Squadron and the Night Hawk Squadron and even the Black Bat Squadron Landed at the Same Airport,Devon went down to the ground and waiting for Sam.

Devon:Where’s Sam?

Linn:I Don’t Know,He might be Here Any Moment.

Devon:Yeah maybe.

Linn saw The Knight Sky Company’s Aria and Verenice’s Squads were Landed at the Airport To Secure the Airport.

Aria:Everyone,Move out!

Verenice:Go! Go! Go!

Devon:So,he might not coming here.

Linn:What was that?

Devon and Linn saw a Pavelow Landed infront of Devon and it was Sam with Ivan along with the Fire Company.

Ivan:Everyone,Assist the Knight Sky Company!

FC Soldier:Yes sir!,Move out!




Devon and Sam reunited and they Hugged Eachother.

Devon:Sam,You made it here.

Sam:You did it Devon,You Did it!

Devon:Sam,This is for you,I Got 5 Kills in the Air now,Im An Ace.

Sam:Yeah,Im Proud of you.

Devon:This might be the last time to be a fighter pilot but this might be the first time to work with the whole Battalion of Helicopters.

Sam:Yes it was,But there is more important than that.

Devon:What was it.

Sam kneel down to Devon when the Whole Battalion Arrived including the Knight Company,They Surround Linn,Devon and Sam an he has a Ring and a Necklace on his Pocket,First the Ring Shown on Devon.

Sam:Lieutenant Colonel Devon May Seron of the Knight Bird Battalion,Will you Be My Girlfriend?

Devon cried at that time.

Linn:Devon,He’s Proposing you!

Devon is Still Crying when he repeat the Question.

Sam:I Say Again,Lieutenant Colonel Devon May Seron of the Knight Bird Battalion,Will you be My Girlfriend?

Devon:Yes Lieutenant Colonel Sam Concepcion,I Accept you as my Boyfriend.

Sam gaved his ring to Devon and his Necklace as a gift and symbol of their love.

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