Chapter 11:The Russo-American Military Exercise.

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After they Landed,The Knight Company Saw another Planes but not American but Russians,They Dont Know if they are Invaded or They are Attacking America but a Radio Contact Changed all of that.

General Reid:To All American Units in Cheyenne Mountains,This is General William Reid,We are not Invaded,I Repeat We are not Invaded,Your Unit is Part of the Russo-American Military Exercise,Please Advised.

James:Copy That.

Joya:What was it?

James:My Dad Told me it was a Russian American Exercise.

Slater:I Knew it was Russian,I thought we are invaded!

James:Knight 1-1 and Knight Princess,Be Advised,We are not invaded!

Bret:I Hear Ya!,Im with the Russian T-90 Tanks.

Fretzie:I Hear Ya Dark Knight,I Got Blackhawks and Mi-17s Landed and Packed Up!

Kamarov:This is Russian Armed Forces Colonel Sergei Kamarov,We are Here to Join To This Exercise.

James:Copy That Colonel,We Are Knight Company of the United States Army,This is First Lieutenant Robert James Reid,Do you Copy Over.

Kamarov:Copy That Comrade,We are your Friends now.

James:Copy That,Yuri Do You Read me?

Yuri:Yes James.

James:Yuri,Go with Andrea and Slater's Platoon to Russian Convoy of Russian Humvees.

Yuri:Copy that,I Feel that im Russian Again!


As The US Army and Russian Army Regrouped in an Unknown Location,The American and Russian Soldiers Shake Their Hands as part of their Friendship not Just for the 2 Countries but also for themselves.

Russian Soldier:Comrades!

American Soldier:Hey Russians,We Came To Peace!

Russian Soldier:On Behalf of the Russian Armed Forces,We are Here to Cooperate and Make Peace with you.

American Soldier:On Behalf of the US Army,Thank You For Your Consideration.

Russian Soldier:Alright Comrades,Lets Celebrate,URA!

American Soldier:Ouwah!

As American and Russian Soldiers Celebrate their Exercise and Friendship,General Reid and General Shanova arrived at Knight Company's Position.

General Reid:James!


General Reid:How are you son?

James:Im Fine Dad.

General Shanova:Like Father Like Son,General Reid.

General Reid:Yeah.

General Shanova:Well,I have to go to my comrades.

General Reid:See You Later.

James:Well Dad?

General Reid:Son,we are going to your lair.

James:You are Giving me your Lair to me?

General Reid:Its now the new Headquarters of your company.

James:Your High Tech Cave?

General Reid:Yes,Its Now Yours.

James:Thanks Dad.

The Whole Company went to their new Headquarters,Which was the mountains and it was a High Tech Underground Cave/Bunker.

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