Chapter 39:Resend To DC.

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The Next Day in Baghdad,Iraq in the Victory Base Complex,Yuri recieves a Call from General Reid.


General Reid:Yuri,I wanna tell you something.

Yuri:What is it?

General Reid:Tell the Three Companies to Return home.

Yuri:And the Knight Company?

General Reid:Its one of them Yuri,Send them home even you.

Yuri:What about the Knight Armor and Knight Sky?

General Reid:Fretzie and Bret will take care of them,Just tell the Entire Company to go home alright?

Yuri:Yes Sir.

General Reid:God speed my son.

Yuri:On It Sir,Thank You Sir.

The General Ended the Phone and Yuri Went to the Knight Company Camp and Talked to Chico Loco.

Yuri:Chico,Call the Entire Company and Tell General Roycewicz that the Knight Sky and Knight Armor Companies will back home According To General Reid.

Chico:Are you Serious?

Yuri:Yes,What do you think? Im Not?,Tell them ok!


Chico Contacts the Knight Company.

Chico:All Knight Company Units,All Knight Company Units,Return to the Camp ASAP,we have a Meeting with Yuri,Its Urgent Over and Out.

Chico Contacts General Roycewicz.

Chico:General Roycewicz,Tell the Knight Sky and Knight Armor Companies to Send them Home,Its General Reid's Orders.

General Roycewicz:Ok Chico,Copy that.

The Entire Company returned to the Camp on Sending the Company Home.


Yuri:Alright Listen Up,General Reid order us to Go Home,I Know you understand guys but it was his order.

Kigoy:When do we go home?


Kim:For what reason?

Yuri:There's no bad news here,but its all about Jamie.

Kevin:What is all about?

Yuri:He was sent home because he commit suicide but he failed.

Luz:Man,Where is he now?

Yuri:Washington DC,his home.

Roy:What time we go home?


Wendy:Where we will be camped?

Yuri:Probably Andrews for Temporary until we finish the Second Headquarters in DC.

Jessica:Where's Andrea and the Leaders?

Yuri:They were home too.

Deniesse:Who ordered to send us home?

Yuri:General Reid approved the order and General Roycewicz approved it,Sam and the Entire battalion sent home too.

Mark:What time tonight?

Yuri:Between 8-9 PM.

Anatoly:What do we do if we arrived?

Yuri:Wait till further orders.

Lyn:Well,I Guess that we will protect him?


Casey:How many will send home?

Yuri:All of Knight Battalion.

Erica:Finally we are going home.

Steph:After what we did on Ramadi,we can do rest.

Jerico:But the important is our Friend Jamie.

Pamu:Thank god.

Seichi:Are we promoted?

Yuri:We dont know.

Biggel:Ok,so what do we do next?

Yuri:Pack up now later 5PM.


Yuri:Go to the Planes and we are going home,Pack up as early as you can,We will bring all we have everyting and all of it.Dismissed.

And they are Packing Up to Send home.

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