Chapter 84:Turbulence in the Skies

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The Next Day on the Plane.

Vince:Are you alright?

Joya:Were good.

Yoona:Where are we headed captain?

Joya:China,In Tibet,Another leader was there,Its Captain Smith.

Kwon Yuri:Captain,Good thing you are alive.


Yves:So why General Baek is so tough on Loudspeaker?

Sunny:He wants to defend our Land,From Enemy forces attempt to invade,Where is Alexander?

Myrtle:I Saw him in Moscow,He might protect Yuri to Germany,But he will be fine.

Vince:Where’s Fretzie?

Joya:She is in Moscow,She used the Kremlin as Temporary Command Center,The President Evacuated to the Safe Zone.

Vince:What about the Atlantic Fleet?

Joya:I don’t know,I don’t know.

Alec:I Got Transmission,Its Colonel Jackson.

Joya Read the Printed Transmission Message.


Atlantic Fleet went to Mediterrenean,All Ships including Russian Fleet were Head to Sea,The Dark Forces failed to Capture Moscow,They withdraw towards Eastern Europe.

If you Save all leaders,This is our Chance to Fight Back.

Good Luck.

Col.Bret Jackson.

Joya:They gonna Hit Southern Europe using the Fleet.

Vince:Where’s Yuri?

Joya:He’s heading for Hamburg.

Vince was on His Laptop later on.

Vince: They say truth is the first casualty of war.


[Authenticated. Connecting / ---]

[G13: This is Yuri,Where are you Vince.]

[G13: Where are you?]

Vince: But who defines what's true?

[B02: Head to China]

[G13: Intel reported Tibet Overruned.]

[B02: Don't believe everything you read.]

[B02: BLACK EAGLE is still in play. Vince out.]


Female News Reporter: ...aboard the plane are Possibly Colonel Yuri Malashenko and his fellow aide, Andrea Chen. The Leaders is flying to Hamburg to Join the Attack with NATO Forces.

The TV screen shows the news report: "HAMBURG UNDER ATTACK. US,Russian,Korean Forces Came for Assistance." Images of the Ilyushin Il-96-300PU Russian Aircraft, Command point, the building in Hamburg, Germany where the FOB of German and US Armies is going to take place, Yuri and Andrea are shown.

Vince: Truth is just a matter of perspective.

Pinned to a wall are photos of Jessica and James, and Slater,Divine and Yuri linked to the Operation Knight Protector.

Female News Reporter: However, many were thinking that the world will be defeated by Dark Forces.

TV: (Security feeds of the Dark Army European Invasion Forces) The US Forces still under Fire in all Germany. (below in yellow) Malashenko’s ready to take off within minutes at Moscow Airport. Russians defended their homeland and Aide its CIS Allies.

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