Chapter 57:Deployment to Afghanistan.

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4 Days Later,James and the Rest of the whole Knight Battalion are now already Packed Up and Prepared for Afghanistan,Afterwards He Visited Rason City,Pyongyang and Other Provinces of the North to Check the Situation and What Action Needed to Taken over of,He is along with the Lieutenants and Sergeants of the Battalion,General Baek,Jessica,Ella,AJ,Major Brooks,Bret,Fretzie,Sam,Devon,Linn,Ivan,Commander Kang which later as a Brigadier General,President Cho,Colonel Oh,Major Jang and General Osborne,They are Wearing a Russian Officer Uniforms in different Ranks and they Wearing Ushanka Hats because of the Cold Weather and After 2 Days,General Osborne and James talked in the office and they discuss about the General’s Plan to Move his Command to Europe and the Pacific Command will be led by Another Commander Which was his Grandfather.

Gen.Osborne:Jamie,I Have to tell you Something.

James:What was it?

Gen.Osborne:I Just wanna Tell you that I Planned to Move to European Command.

James:Why? My Dad denied your request?

Gen.Osborne:I Send the Request but it will take 2 Weeks to Review.


Gen.Osborne:Because I deserved there,I am done here and my Sons are there too.

James:I See,who will replace you?

Gen.Osborne:I Suggest that will be your Grandfather.

James:Yeah he has 10 Years left to his term as part of the Army,Maybe its time for him to Step up.

Gen.Osborne:Colonel,I Thank you,I Admired you and You Inspired every single American Soldier to Fight and Win the War on Terror.

James:Don’t Thank Me,I Thank You General.

Gen.Osborne:After Europe,I planned to Enter Politics in the Defense Committee and I will boost the Armed Forces More,I Will Ran for Senator in 2012 and I hope that the President is your Father.

James:Very Funny Sir,But I guess its true.

Gen.Osborne:Who wanted to Appoint to Takeover the Air Base?

James:I Suggest that would be Colonel Bauer and Major Hudson.

Gen.Osborne:Sure,I will take care of it.

James:I Hope that the UN Approved their Request on me.

Gen.Osborne:You are a good guy James.

James:No,You are.

James and General Osborne Shoke hands and Hugged to thank Eachother and James went to his Office to Call his Father.


Gen.Reid:Son,Why you Call? How are you?

James:Im Fine,How is Mom and Lauren?

Gen.Reid:They are Fine as of now,Why you called?

James:I Just wanna know about the Request of General Osborne.

Gen.Reid:Ah,The Joint Chiefs wanted him To Stay to the Pacific Command.

James:Dad,Do what he wish for because He wanted to See his Sons in Germany.

Gen.Reid:James,Your Gramps is a Sergeant Major,He Cant be A General.

James:I know but maybe its time that We give them what he wish for,He’s gonna retire 5 Years from now and Running For Senate and the President was you.

Gen.Reid:James,The President is here and he wants to speak with you.

Pres.Sawyer:Lieutenant Colonel Reid or should I say James.

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