Chapter 3:The Presidential Dinner

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After the Breakfast Between Ann,James,Yuri and Andrea,James and Ann went to the Old Post Office Pavillion to Buy Clothes for Ann because he invited her for the Presidential Dinner,but he doesnt know about her identity when a phone call from Ann came in and it was his Father,The Central Intelligence Agency Director Patrick Li.


CIA Li:Annie,Its me your Father.


CIA Li:I just wondering if you could join me the presidential dinner tonight?

Ann:Yes Dad,im with Lt.Reid.

CIA Li:The Son of General Reid,well then.

Ann:See you later.

CIA Li:Bye.

After the phone call,they arrived at the mall to buy clothes for ann when suddenly 7 Personnel one by one approached james and it was the 7 of 8 deltaforces who were fought in iraq.


James:Who are you?

Slater:Its me,one of your deltaforces.


Slater:Sir,im a police officer on duty on the mall,im with Joya and Divine Sir.

James:Bring them here,we need your help here!

Slater Contacts Joya and Divine via Radio to regroup.

Slater:Joya,Divine regroup on a dress shop nearby.


Divine:Copy that.

Another Deltaforce member came in and it was Pamu and Seichang.

Seichang:Hey Jamie!


Pamu:Yes sir.

James:What are you guys doing here?

Seichang:Off Duty,were from FBI.


And last 2 Members Biggel and Tin went in to James.

Biggel:US Secret Service,Are you Lt.James Reid?

James:Yes,who are you....wait.



Biggel:Jamie,i thought you are a high official.

James:That was supposed to,where's Tin?

Biggel:I Dont Know Sir.

Tin:Over Here!

Tin was outside the building and sniping in the other building.


Tin:Sorry,i wanna protect somebody.

Biggel:Tin,Get down here!

As they are regrouped,they will assist James need for Ann and they are starting buying clothes for her tonight at the presidential dinner and they had finally found one and she dressed a Blue Blouse and long skirt and they are impressed her and after few hours of bonding,they went to white house.


James:Yes Ann.

Ann:You wanna know who is my father?

James:Yes,who is he?

Ann:CIA Director Michael Li.


Ann:Its true.

James:Well then.

Afterwards,they are entered the dining room and they are met up with The President,The Generals of Different nations,James's Father,Ann's Father along with Biggel and Tin as Secret Service Agents and 2 more Agents that was also part of James's Knight Company named Jamvhille Sebastian and Paolinne Michelle Liggayu and Yuri and Andrea.

James:Good Evening Sir.

President Sawyer:Good Evening Lt.

Ann:Good Evening Dad,and Mr President.

CIA Li:Well,have a seat.

James:Sir,what is this dinner all about?

President Sawyer:Lt.Reid,The Generals of different armed forces arrived to discuss about the GDI.

General Geum:The GDI's aim is to secure the world from any threat.

FM Bingham:And to protect the innocent.

General Yulja:And to strenghten the relations of the countries membered by this alliance.

General Chang:The United States is the main Headquarters including our Country and Russia.

General Westbrook:And each nation has 5 armies and 10 battalions and General Reid's Knight Battalion is included.

General Shizuru:Generals of different nations,lets have a toast for this alliance.


and they toast and eat for dinner,the generals left afterwards and James and his dad talked about the next move.

General Reid:Within Next Five Days,we are going to Fort Hood for your training your new unit and your men is required and Bret and Fretzie is split in different Companies and you have time to acquire them.

James:What about Ann?

General Reid:CIA Director says she is now yours and Yuri,Andrea and another Soldier will be Part of your team And They will cooperate with the CIA.


General Reid:Youre Welcome.

James:Well then,Good Night.

And all are sent home for rest.

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