Prologue:The Beginning.

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: aira_irish

It all began,when a Soldier named Corporal James Reid.

Corporal James Reid,Born in Washington DC in May 11 1985,Under His Father General William Reid and Charlene Reid,When He was Young, He Dreamed to become a Soldier,And he worked and studied hard when he was young,his grades are improved than before from Elementary to College.

His Father was a Vietnam War Veteran,He Became a Colonel when he was fighting on Invasion of Grenada,He Became Major General since the Gulf War and he became Liutenant General Since the Invasion of Panama.

His Mother was a Businesswoman and owns a company,She met her father Post Vietnam War and Married in 1983.

He Entered Army Service in 2003 when he watched the Scenes of Iraqi War and he wanted Saddam Hussein and his Republican Army Destroyed.

He was Sent in Iraq in 2004,and he was part of the Army Rangers and his Service Number is 7736237-9433.

His Friends are Fellow Soldiers and Childhood Friends Corporal Fretzie Joan Ruite Bercede and Corporal Bret Alan Jackson under the Knight Company of Captain Samuel Concepcion of the 5th Ranger Battalion.

Corporal Fretzie Joan Ruite Bercede was born in November 26th 1986 in Baltimore Maryland,Her Father was a Businessman and her mother was currently the Commander of the Maryland National Guard.She was sent in Iraq in the Same Year.

Her Service Number is 585438-2278538.

Corporal Bret Alan Jackson was Born in March 15 1985 in New York City,His Father was Currently the Police Chief of NYPD and her mother was a Doctor,He Was sent in Iraq in the same year.

His Service Number is 76636-66682483.

In the Year 2004,They were Fought in Fallujah along with the British and Iraqi Forces in the same Town with the knight company fought inside the town and fought almost a hundred troops and they are still under fire.

James:Bret,What do you see?

Bret:Jamie,There are AK and RPG Bad Guys shooting at Fretzie's Position,she's with Aria and Tricia!

James:Alright Guys,Lets help our Guys there!

Pvt.Malashenko:Yes Jamie!


As they are approaching Fretzie's Position,They are Fired by an Rocket Propelled Grenade.



But the RPG did not killed James and they are approached Fretzie's Position.

Fretzie:Jamie,What the hell are you doing!

James:Fretzie,We will Call an Airstrike on those Bad Guys!

Fretzie:Relay it Daniel!

Daniel:Im On It!

Daniel Called a Gun run and an airstrike on the Insurgents.

Daniel:Knight Bird,this is Knight 1-7 Requesting Gunrun on building North on our Position Full of Hostiles!

Devon:Knight Bird,We will send 4 AH-1 Cobras for you please stand by.

As Daniel Contacted Devon to send an airstrike,Devon relayed it to DJ Chacha.

Devon:Chacha,this is Knight Bird,Request permission to assist Knight 1-7 and send 4 AH-1 Cobras for them.

Chacha:Affirmative Knight Bird,You are Cleared to Engage any Enemy Personel.

Devon:Knight Birds,Lets Get our Knights Charged.

Devon along with her Squadron of 3 UH-60 Black Hawks and 4 Cobras to provide fire support and Devon is helping them.

The Ghost of the Soldier (The Original)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें