Chapter 36

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Demi's Pov

Joe has just left for home to go and pack some things for me and Madison. I am now alone in the hospital room. When Joe left he went and told the nurses that he was going and that he would be back as quick as he could; one of the nurses came in a minute ago to check that I was ok and then she left.

I placed one hand on my stomach "Please stay in there baby" I whispered as I rubbed my bump

She moved and gave me a little kick "You need to stay in there to get big and strong" I said, she moved a little bit and then stopped moving for a while, maybe she fell asleep.

Joe walked back into the room after knocking on the door and me saying that he could come in. He sat down in the chair beside my bed and then started telling me all the things he had brought. 

The doctor knocked and walked in a little later and asked if she could examine me. "It's been 4 hours since I last examined you and I just want to see if you've dilated any more" she said "But first, have you had anymore contractions" she continued as she walked over to the monitor. 

"No" I said "I've had no more pains yet"

"But sometimes then can have a long break in between them" Joe said

"I see" the doctor replied "Well, I'm going to examine you to see what's going on" she said "This might hurt a little"

I reached and held Joe hand as the doctor examined me. "It seems that you are still 1cm" she said "You probably haven't progressed any more because you haven't had any contractions" she continued saying 

"That's good though, right?" I said as she took off her gloves

"Yeah. As I've said before if your baby arrives any time from now she shouldn't have any problems, she may need to stay on the baby ward for a while if she born soon but it will probably only be a short while"

"Ok, thank you doctor" Joe said as the doctor grabbed my notes and went to leave the room "I'll be back in another 4 hours to see how you're doing" she said

"Ok" I nodded

She then left the room, I looked over at Joe. "I really don't want our baby to go into the baby ward at all. I want to be able to hold her, I love her too much" 

"Demi" he said "I love you, not matter what happens" 

He got up and leaned in for a kiss, he kissed me deeply. I pulled away as I felt my heart begin to race, I didn't want to get too excited. Joe made me feel special and I never wanted to let him go, I am so glad that he picked me up from the side of the street that day and I'm even more glad that he has shown me affection and care, no matter how much I tried to push him away.

He sat back down and said "Maybe you should try to get some rest until the doctor comes back?" 

"I might try" I replied as I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Joe's Pov

Demi closed her eyes and fell asleep, I watched the monitor print out the lines that was on the piece of paper coming out of the machine. The baby's heart rate was shown on the machine and for the whole time I watched it, it was stable. The other line on the paper, which I assume is the line which represents the contractions Demi is or isn't having was at the bottom of the page, I think that means she hasn't had a pain since being here.

I smiled, I was glad that things seemed to be calming down a little. Over the past few days when Demi was having pains that could be contractions, I felt helpless because I didn't know what to do. She was in pain and I couldn't help her.

Soon Demi woke up and soon after she did the doctor came back into the room. "Ok" she said "Have you had any pains?" she asked Demi

"No" Demi replied

"That's good" she said "I don't think there's any need to examine you again if you haven't had any contractions" she continued saying "I think that you can go home since you haven't had any pains, but, I am going to say that you need to be on bed rest, at least until you're 38 weeks along"

"That's a month" Demi said

"Yeah, well you can get up to use the restroom and stuff like that but you can't be going shopping or walking around too much" she clarified 

"Ok" Demi sighed

"Dem its for the best" I said as I found her hand and held it reassuringly

She looked at me and smiled, "I know" she said to me

"Ok, well feel free to go home when you're ready but if the contractions pick up again or your water breaks then please don't hesitate in coming back"

"Ok" Demi smiled

The doctor grabbed her notes and then left the room. I helped Demi off the bed and got her standing up. I carried the bag that I had packed, back out to the car in one hand and had the other hand holding onto hers.

I drove us home where mom was waiting to hear how it all went. It was late, around 10 at night but she had stayed up because she wanted to make sure Demi and the baby were ok. 

We walked in quietly through the front door, but because mom was sitting in the living room she came out to greet us. 

"How did it all go?" she said quietly as she knew dad was most likely asleep because he had work tomorrow

"It went ok" I said softly

"How are you feeling Demi?" she asked, looking at Demi

"Tired" she responded

"I'll tell you what the doctor told us in the morning mom" I said "But Demi and baby are both doing fine" I said trying to reassure her

"Ok" she agreed as she followed us both up the spiral staircase

Demi and I went into our bedroom and after getting into our pyjamas we got into bed. "Goodnight Dem" I said

"Goodnight" she said as she turned out the light



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