Chapter 23

505 17 2

-2 months later-

Demi's Pov

I guess Joe doesn't care anymore because as far as I know, he never tried looking for me. I have been managing just about I guess, I mean I have survived.

I turned over onto my stomach in my sleep but I had to turn straight back onto my other side because it didn't feel comfortable at all. 

I moved so that I was laying on my back and I placed one hand on my stomach, it felt slightly swollen and hard. Suddenly I thought back a couple of months and remembered that night, was I pregnant? 

I started to become hot and sweaty and I couldn't breathe properly. I was really scared now, I couldn't be pregnant, I just can't. I started to cry in a fit of worry and that's when I decided that I needed help. I needed to go and see Joe.

After walking for what seemed like ages I arrived at the all too familiar driveway, I walked up the long path and got to the huge house. Joe's parent's cars weren't there and this made me relax a little; but still, what I was going to go and tell Joe was scary stuff. I hadn't seen him since the morning after the night that it all happened; this was going to be very strange.

I stood outside the big doorway for what seemed like a good while before I finally thought about knocking on the door. It took him a little while to open the door but when he did he said "Demi?"

I nodded slowly and then he moved his arm out of the way and let me in.

"I was worried about you" he said

I was confused at this, if he was worried surely he would have come looking for me. 

"Would you like a drink?" he asked

I nodded my head again. I hadn't had something decent to drink in a while and I really needed it. 

He gave me my favourite, a sparkling water; then he lead me into the living room where he gestured for me to sit on one of the couches.

"So, how have you been?" he asked

"Ok" I sighed, thinking of how much of a stupid question that just was.

I decided that I needed to ask him what I was burning to ask. I knew he would be confused at first but I knew that I needed to ask him. "Joe I need your help" I managed to get out

He looked at me with a concerned expression across his face "What with?" he asked

Now, when I'm in this state I don't usually let people touch me; but Joe touching me and him doing the talking seemed a much easier option than for me to talk right now.

I pointed to his hand and then pointed to my stomach. I was scared, he seemed very confused but he moved his hand from his lap and placed it gently on my stomach. I placed my hand on top and pressed his hand down a little so that he would be able to feel the roundness of my belly. No sooner had he felt it he pulled his hand quickly from underneath mine. He looked me dead in the eyes.

"We need to take you to a doctor" he said

He then stood up and held out his hand for me to take; I decided not to and I got up using the side of the couch to help me.

He then grabbed his coat and walked with me in complete silence down the long driveway and round the corner to where the nearest doctors was. He told me to sit down and then he went up to the desk. He talked to the lady behind the desk and then he came and sat down next to me. This was awkward beyond belief.

A lady soon came out of one of the rooms, went up to the desk and talked to the lady behind it. The lady behind the desk then pointed in my direction and the lady who had come out of the room came over to us.

"Hello" she said in a nice calming voice "Would you like to come with me"

We walked with the lady down to a room with a big number 2 on it, she opened the door and went in first but then held the door open for me and Joe. 

I sat down on one of the chairs and Joe on the other. The lady leaned a bit towards me and then said "I've been told a little about what's gone on and I understand that you need me to look at your stomach"

I nodded my head slowly.

"Ok" the lady said "Let's get you up onto the bed" 

I slowly stood up and made my way over to the bed, I got up onto it and then the lady took both of my hands reassuringly and helped me lay down.

She asked me to lift my top up and then she asked before placing her hands on my stomach. She pressed down slightly on the lower part of the stomach before getting a bottle of something and asking before squeezing a little of the gel-like substance onto my belly. 

She grabbed a scanner and then placing that on my tummy she began to move it around. She had turned the screen away from me so that I couldn't see but after she had seen what was wrong she turned the screen towards me so that I could see as well. 

She pointed at the screen while looking at me and smiling ear-to-ear.

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