Chapter 33

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-2 weeks later-

Demi's Pov

I woke up feeling really tired, which, I couldn't understand because I had just slept for the majority of the night. Yes, Madison had moved and kicked a few times but she hadn't really woken me up for long.

"Morning Demi" Joe said cheerfully

I groaned

"Didn't you sleep well?" he asked

"I did, but I'm still tired" I moaned

I tried to move slightly so that I was more comfortable, I quickly grabbed my stomach "Ouch ouch ouch" I cried

"Are you ok?" Joe asked worried

"Yep" I quickly said as the pain got stronger

"What's wrong?" he asked

"Pain" I managed to say

Joe found my hand which was on my stomach and held it until the pain stopped, I breathed a sigh of relief "Thank you" I said once it was over

"Was it a bad pain?" he asked

"Yeah, it was quite painful" I replied

"Do you want me to help you to get up?" Joe said a few minutes later

"Yes please" I replied

Joe got up and went round to my side of the bed, I swung my legs as far round as I could, then Joe took my hands and helped by pulling me up to a sitting position. I then let go of his hands and pushed up on the bed to be able to stand up.

I stood there for a minute

"Are you ok?" Joe asked

"Yeah, just thinking what I want to do...I think I'll have a shower" I said

"Ok, as you had a pain just now I'll wait in the room, if you need me just shout"

"Ok, thank you" I replied

"I'm just going to get my laptop, but I'll be right back" he said

"Ok, I'm going to get in the shower"

"Ok" he said as he pecked my lips "Love you"

I smiled back at him

Joe went off to go and get his laptop while I had a shower, I got into the shower. As I got out I felt refreshed and more awake, I hadn't had another pain which was good. I got dressed and then walked out into the room. 

"Demi, come have a look at this" Joe said

I walked over to the bed, where Joe was looking at something on his laptop. I sat on the edge and Joe moved his laptop so that I could see. He was looking at a cot from a baby store.

"Awe, that's really cute" I said

"Do you want it?" Joe asked

"We do need a cot, and pretty soon" I replied, giving my stomach a rub

"Yeah" Joe agreed "But do you want this one?" he asked

"Could we go look at it in a store?" I asked

"Yeah, sure, when do you want to go?" 

"Whenever" I replied

"Today?" he suggested

"Ok, that sounds fun" 

"Yeah, and we can look at baby clothes too" he said

"Ok" I replied

We got ready and then Joe drove us both to the baby store. We walked in and towards the back of the store to where the cots were. We found a member of staff, Joe showed them the cot on his phone and the lady took us to where it was in the store. 

I really liked it; it was a beautiful white wood. "I really like it Joe" I said

"Me too" he agreed

The lady heard us say that so she asked if we wanted to purchase it, we said, yes, but that we wanted to look at baby clothes as well. She said that she would put a note at the checkout saying our name and the cot we wanted.

"Thank you" I said

"You're most welcome" she replied as she walked off in the direction of the front of the store. 

Joe and I walked around and found the girl baby clothes section. I picked out a few outfits and Joe picked up some baby grows and sleep suits. I held the clothes while Joe went off to get a cart. He was quickly back with the cart and he took the items from me and placed them in it. 

I stopped, held one hand to my back and bent over slightly; my back had started to hurt. "Are you ok Dem" Joe asked

"My back hurts" I said

"Do you want to sit down and I'll hold up clothes for you to see?" he asked

"Yes please" I replied

There was a little bench across the isle from the girls baby clothes. I slowly sat down and even though the pain didn't completely go, it was made better by sitting. I placed on hand on my stomach and whispered "You sure like to give mommy pain, don't you"

Madison moved a little and then gave a small kick, her kicks has become not as strong, probably due to the fact that she didn't have much more room to grow. 

Joe showed me some clothes and we managed to pick quite a few items. We then went to the checkout and paid for the cot and the clothes. A member of staff got a big box from the back of the store with the cot in it and took it out Joe's car, Joe helped him to lift the box into the trunk, then Joe placed the other bags in the back seat.

When we got home Joe got the box out of the car, with the help from Paul. They both took it upstairs and placed in it our bedroom.

"Do you want to build it now?" Joe asked once Paul had left the room

"Sure!" I replied

Joe opened the box and started to get pieces out, I sat on the bed and read the instructions to him as he built the cot. Within an hour in was fully built with all the bedding made as well. 

I really can't wait to meet Madison, I'm 32 weeks and as I only have 8 weeks to go I'm really excited. We have a scan in 2 weeks time, it'll be my 34 week scan; the doctor then said that would be my last scan before the baby was born.

I hadn't really decided how I  was going to have the baby, I knew I wanted to have her naturally and I was thinking about asking to have her in water, I just think that would be nicer. I knew I only wanted Joe there and I didn't want his parents there until after she was born.

I needed to decide because the doctor needed to know at my next scan.

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