Chapter 31

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-2 Weeks Later-

Demi's Pov

Today we have our regular scan so I got ready to go.

"How about we go baby shopping later?" Joe suggested

"Yeah, I'm fine with that" I smiled

I looked as myself in the full length mirror, some days I really hated my growing stomach.

Just then I felt a kick, I placed my hand on my stomach and remember why I was doing this, I was going to be having a baby. We had held off knowing what gender we were having but Joe had mentioned that he might want to find out. 

After he had said this I mentioned that it would be nice but that I wasn't sure

We walked into the doctor's office and I laid down on the bed and pulled up my top and undid the top button on my trousers.

The doctor begun to scan my belly

"Is it ok if I find out the gender today" Joe asked

"Is that ok Demi?" she asked

"Yeah, but don't tell me" I replied

"Ok, stay behind after the appointment and I'll tell you Mr Jonas"

"Ok thank you" I replied

Joe's Pov

I had a surprise planned for Demi, we were going to go baby shopping and then I was going to give her a big surprise. I know she just said that she didn't want to know the gender of the baby but I was hoping that me finding out would make her want to.

The doctor finished the scan and after talking to us for a bit Demi left the room. After the door had closed the doctor said quietly "You're having a girl"

I smiled "Thank you" I said as I walked towards the door

I found Demi sitting on one of the chairs in the waiting room, she got up as I walked down the corridor. We walked out of the doctors with a couple of pictures of our baby. 

I drove us into the big parking lot outside our local baby shop. We walked inside and then Demi said "I'm just going to use the restroom, I'll meet you by the baby clothes" 

"Ok" I smiled, this would give me time to set up the surprise

I pulled out my phone as I walked towards the baby clothes, I dialled the number and then said "It's a girl" to the person on the other end

They responded with an "Ok, see you in a couple of hours" and then I ended the call

Demi came over about 2 minutes later and we both looked at some neutral baby clothes as she didn't know what we were having.

"It would be so much easier to choose if I knew what we were having" she commented

"Would you like to know?" I asked

"I actually would" she said 

"Well...I'm not saying anything" I replied

"That's not fair" she pouted "I wanna know" 

"Not telling" I said, standing my ground

In the end we chose some neutral coloured tops and baby grows, nothing special, just plain colours. Demi had showed me a few tops with writing on that she liked but they were either for a boy, or for a girl.

We paid and then headed out to the car "Are we going home now?" she asked

"Actually I was thinking of going out for a cool drink, I know this really nice cafe just 5 minutes away"

"Ok" she replied

We walked into the cafe, it was more of a cake shop then a cafe. I told Demi to go and find a table and that I would go and get us something, I asked what drink she wanted and she said that she just wanted a bottle of flavoured water.

I walked over to the counter as Demi walked in the opposite direction. The cafe was empty apart from us and the staff.

I walked over to the cash register and mentioned that I had phoned eariler. The lady said that she had been told and then she walked into the kitchen and came out with two medium sized cupcakes. I paid for them and the drinks and then walked over to find Demi.

She was sitting in a booth and as I put the tray down she said "Ooo cupcakes"

I sat down and passed her the drink she wanted and then a plate with a cupcake on it. It had purple frosting and looked delicious. She opened her water and then took a bite out of her cupcake. 

I held my breath, hoping that she would notice.

She looked down at the cupcake and as she quickly swallowed what was in her mouth she gasped

"Why is the frosting purple and the cake bright pink?" she asked

I stayed silent, waiting for her to guess

"Are we having a girl?!?" she said with excitement

I smiled

"We're having a girl!!!!" she exclaimed

Just then my friend, the guy I had spoke to on the phone earlier came over and said "Congratulations"

"Thank you!" Demi said, still smiling from ear-to-ear

We left the cafe and then I drove us home "I can't believe we are having a girl!" Demi said as we arrived home

"Are we gonna tell my mom and dad?" I asked

"Can do!" she responded

We walked inside the house, no one was at home so we went into the living room. We sat down next to each other and then Demi said "What about a name?" 

"You want to think about names?" I asked

"Yeah" she replied "But I have no idea what to call her"

"Me neither" I replied as I placed one arm over Demi's shoulders and rubbed the top of her arm that was furthest away from me


Any name suggestions please leave me a comment :)

Also, if you think this book is good can you please nominate me for a Lovatic FanFic Award?

You can find the Lovatic Fan Fic Awards 2017 book on the user LovaticFanFicAwards

Thank you

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