Chapter 16

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Demi's Pov

I woke up the next morning, I got up and looked out of the bedroom window. The sun was blazing down, and it was only 10am. I looked down into the garden where I saw Joe, I smiled at the thought of last night. He didn't take me anywhere too fancy, which I liked; if he did I don't think I would have felt right because, well, I'm just no used to that kind of stuff. 

I stared at Joe working in the garden with his dad, it looked like they were planting some plants. Maybe it was flowers, or maybe vegetables; I will have to ask Joe later.

Joe happened to look up at my window and he started waving, I waved back smiling at him, I could feel my cheeks becoming red and I was glad that Joe was down in the garden so that he couldn't see them.

Joe then turned to carry on helping his dad, I turned around and went into the en-suite bathroom to have a shower and get dressed.

Once I was finished I walked out of the of the en-suite bathroom and hung my towel up on the rack. I decided to go out into the garden to see Joe, ohh Joe. I looked out my window to make sure that he was still out there. He was. I walked down the staircase from the upstairs into the big hallway. I walked out to the garden were I found a very dirty Joe planting plants with his dad.

As I approached Joe, he seemed to give his dad a look and when he did Joe's dad said "I'm going to go and see what other plants your mother wants planting" and then he put down the packet of seeds that he was holding and then walked inside.

"Demi" Joe said, grabbing my attention back

"Yeah..." I replied, looking into his eyes, but only for a moment



" you" he stuttered

I looked at him and then he came closer, I think he wanted to kiss me, but, I didn't feel comfortable. I put my finger across his lips then I moved my finger from his lips to mine and said "shh...not here"

I took his hand, he put down the plant he was holding and then followed me upstairs. "First..." I said "First you are going to go and wash your hands and get changed"

"Ok" he said

I bit my lip. He walked into his room to get changed. I walked into my room and sat on my bed. I think that what I am feeling Once I saw past Joe's money and his parents disapproval at first. I actually think he is perfect, he picked me up from the street, has given me a home for the past months; but, not only that, he has shown me something that I haven't had in ages; love.

Joe then walked into my room and sat on the bed next to me, I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. Then he leaned in, slowly...then our lips touched, and, as they did I felt a feeling that I had never felt before, it was pleasant, nice in fact. From that moment I found that Joe was absolutely perfect.

When our lips parted, Joe looked at me once more. Then he whispered "Demi...", he then paused, and then said "Demi...will you be my girlfriend"

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