Chapter 30

415 17 16

-The Next Day-

Demi's Pov

I woke up to find myself laying with my hand on my stomach, the baby was moving and had woken me up. I turned my head to see Joe laying behind me, I slowly turned so that we were facing each other, he was still asleep at this point.

As the baby was slowly moving inside of me I thought of a good idea. I gently took Joe's hand in mine and placed it softly onto my stomach. He smiled, then opened his eyes slowly.

"That's amazing!" he said, still smiling

We laid there facing each other for a while as the baby slowly stopped moving and then Joe helped me get out of bed. I hopped into the shower and as the warm water hit me, I felt relaxed. After getting dressed and putting on some light make up, I stood there looking at my reflection in the full length mirror. I was starting to believe that what was happening was reality but it still felt really strange because I had lived under the bridge for so long that this was just...different.

I heard the door open so I looked over to see Joe come into the room. I smiled as he pulled me into a hug.

"I love know that right?"

"Yes of course!" I replied as I stood there in his embrace thinking about the baby and our marriage. We still hadn't planned a day yet but we still had plenty of time. We would get married after the baby was born, I didn't want to be pregnant and walking down the isle. 

Just then a wave of pain shot through my stomach, I grabbed my side and nearly collapsed because of the pain. Joe supported me and held onto me as the pain subsided, then he helped me to walk over to the bed and sit down on the edge.

"Another pain?" he asked

"Yeah" I replied, still catching my breath

"When did you have the last one? Was it the other day?"


"That should be ok then" he replied "It's not as if you're having them more than once a day" he continued

"Don't jinx it!" I joked "We don't want this baby coming too early" 

"No, we really don't" he agreed

After about 10 minutes I started to stand up from the bed and as I did Joe got up too. We both walked out of the room, Joe first and me following close behind.

Joe walked into the living room where we found his mom reading a book, she looked up to see who had entered the room.

She greeted us as Joe sat down next to her and me on the opposite couch. "Mom" Joe said

Denise looked up again from her book and said "Is everything ok?" 

"How often should Braxton Hicks happen at 6 months pregnant?" he asked

Joe was obviously concerned, but after having the reassurance from the doctor yesterday I was sure there was nothing to be concerned about.

"I'm not 100% sure" Denise replied "But I'm sure that the amount that Demi has had is ok" she continued

"Demi had another just now" Joe replied

"If you're worried search it up" she suggested

"Ok" Joe replied as he reached into his front pocket and pulled out his phone, he seemed to be typing and then after a while he said "It says that can start any time after week 20 of the pregnancy"

"And as I'm 24 weeks, that's fine" I said

"Yeah, but it also says that they shouldn't be really noticeable until 32 weeks" he continued with slight concern in his voice

"What else does it say?" I asked, beginning to get a little worried myself but also trying not to worry

"I'll look at a different website" he said as he tapped a few more times on his phone, "This page says that you can feel the Braxton Hicks one to two times an hour a couple of times a day"

" as I've only had 2 of them in the last week, it should be fine" I replied

"Yeah, I mean there's nothing to suggest that it wouldn't be" he said as he shrugged his shoulders

"That's good"

He locked his phone and then placed it back in his pocket, he looked over to me and smiled.

Denise went back to reading her book as Joe and I got up and left the room. We walked off to make some breakfast, I went upstairs as Joe was making breakfast to go and take my vitamins as I had forgot today up until now.

I took them and then came back down into the kitchen to find Joe buttering the toast he had made. 

"What do you want on it?" he asked

"Just butter will be good" I replied

"Ok" he said as he handed me a plate with 2 slices of buttered toast on it

Once he had buttered his slices, we both went and sat down in the dining room. I finished my toast first and as Joe finished up I played with my engagement ring. 

"What are you thinking about?" Joe asked

"Just about the wedding and the baby and everything really" I replied

"Is everything ok?" 

"Yeah, I mean...I'm scared about giving birth to this baby, I don't really deal with pain all that well" I replied "And, the wedding I imagined to be one of the best days of my life, but I'm sad that my dad won't be able to walk me down the isle." I continued "I just miss them so much" I said as I felt a tear fall down my face

"Hey hey hey, don't cry" Joe said as he got up, took me by the hand as I stood up; he held me. I loved his hugs, they were like how my dad  used to hug me. Big bear hugs he used to call them.

I cried in his arms for a while before slowly being able to console myself; Joe loosened then hug as then looked me straight in the eyes.

"Don't worry about the fine details, we'll sort everything out so you're happy" 

"Thank you" I said softly

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