Chapter 32

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Demi's Pov

A little while later Joe parents came home from work and then after about 20 minutes, they came and sat down in the living room on the couch opposite us. 

"Mom, do you like the name Melody?" Joe asked her

"Yeah, it alright, why?"

"What about Madison?" I said

"Yes, that's nice too" Denise replied, now looking at me "But why are you asking me this?" she said

"Have a guess" Joe responded

"Are you having a girl??" Paul said getting excited

"Yeah!" I smiled

"OMG!" Denise exclaimed

"I know!" Joe said, joining in with her "I'm so excited!"

I just sat there smiling, I was excited too but I was containing it because I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of Joe's parents.

"I really like the name Madison" Denise said after calming down a bit

"So do I" I replied

"Yeah, it's really nice" Joe agreed

We sat there was a bit longer discussing names but we couldn't really find one that we liked as much as Madison, we decided that, for now at least, Madison would be her name.

Later that evening, I got into bed and laid there facing away from Joe. He had one hand over me and on my stomach and I had my hand on top of his. I laced our finger together.

"I love you so much" he said

"I love you too" I replied

I would never have imagined that I would ever be saying that to someone I love, it still feels strange, even though I've said it to him before. After my parents died, I lost hope in having a good life, I never thought I'd find someone to love. 

-The Next Day-

"We need to talk about our wedding" Joe said as he came back into our bedroom. He had gone downstairs to put some bread in the toaster and had come back up to tell me that it was ready. I became nervous, why did he want to talk about our wedding? It was the way he said it that made me think that something was wrong.

I stood there twisting my engagement ring around my finger. "Nothing is wrong Demi" he said

Joe had come to know my little quirks and how when I did certain things I was nervous or scared, like twisting my engagement ring around my finger or not sitting still.

"Ok, good" I replied

"I just wanted to start talking about what you want and when you want it to happen" he said

"Ok" I replied

"Let's go downstairs and have breakfast and talk about it?" he suggested

"Sounds good" I said

We walked down the spiral staircase and into the huge hall, then into the big kitchen. Joe put butter on both sets of toast and then he brought them into the dining room, I followed closely behind, one hand on my stomach because Madison was moving and kicking. 

She had woken me up in the early hours of this morning and didn't stop moving since then; I couldn't get back to sleep so I just laid there awake waiting for Joe to wake up.

We both sat down at the table "Is Madison moving?" Joe asked

"Yeah and kicking really hard" I replied

"Can I feel her kick" he asked

"Sure" I said as I took his hand and placed it on the spot where she was currently jabbing me in the side every now and again.

"She's really having a good kick isn't she!" he responded after feeling a couple of kicks

"Yeah, it's not that comfortable" I joked, laughing a little

"I can't imagine it is" he responded, laughing a little

We then started to eat our toast "So what would you like to include in our wedding?" Joe asked

"Umm...maybe we could make up our own vows" I said "I think that would be really nice" 

"Yeah, that might be possible, we could both draft something up, and then decide whether we both agree that the vows we write are good enough?" he suggested

"Yeah, sounds like a plan" I agreed

Once we had finished our toast, Joe took the plates into the kitchen and then came back "What do you want to do?" he asked

"Maybe we could try to sing Madison to sleep?" I said "She's been moving and kicking since around 4 this morning, I'm really tired but I can't sleep if she's moving like this"

"Ok, let's go up to the music room" Joe replied

We walked up the staircase and along the long corridor to the room at the end which was the music room. I went in and sat down at the piano, Madison was still moving as I begin to play the song that I had wrote.

Joe sat next to me as I played and sung through her kicking me in the side, eventually her kicks became softer and her movements less. It wasn't long after we had come up to the music room that she stopped moving and kicking. After a while of her not moving or kicking I stopped playing and Joe said softly "Has she stopped?" 

"Yeah, finally" I sighed "Can I go and lay down for a bit?" I asked

"Yeah, of course! There's no need to ask" Joe replied

"Thank you" 

I slowly got up, we both walked out of the music room and down the corridor to the second door on the left. That was our bedroom. I went in and Joe helped me to slowly lay down on the bed, I quickly fell asleep.

Joe's Pov

I walked out of the room leaving Demi to have a nap, I went downstairs and decided that I would watch TV for a bit. I didn't know what else to do. Maybe Demi would be up for a game of pool later, I hope she will be.

I turned on the TV and put the music channel on, I watched it for a bit; it was amazing how many songs were ones that my dad produced. I thought of Demi and her voice, it was truly amazing, and I hope that she will make the decision to try and make something of her music, just because I think that if she wants to, she could go far in the industry.

A little while later, Demi came into the living room "Did you have a good sleep?" I asked

"Yeah" she yawned

Before she sat down I said "Fancy a game of pool?" 

"Yeah ok" she replied

We walked into the games room and I set everything up, gave Demi a cue and then I took the opening shot. Demi then walked to the other side of the table and tried to lean over to take her shot. "My belly is getting in the way" she said, a hint of sadness in her voice

Pool was that had broken the ice between Demi and I, maybe she was sad that she couldn't play pool without her stomach getting in the way. 

I looked over to her as I saw a tear slowly run down her cheek, I quickly walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. She sobbed into my chest for a while before lifting her head. 

"I'm so big" she said

"But you're carrying our precious baby Madison" I said

"Yeah, but I don't like being this big" she cried

I pulled her closer and said "Everything is going to be ok" 

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