Chapter 11

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-The Next Day-

Demi's Pov

I was sitting in the living room when Joe walked in and sat down where he usually sat. He looked at me "Morning" he said

"Morning" I replied

"I just need to go out to the shop to get some things mum wrote on a note, I shouldn't be long"

"Okay" I replied

Joe then got up "I'm just gonna get changed and then I'll be leaving"

He walked out of the room and my mind started racing, this might be the chance I was waiting for. I could go up to the music room once he was gone and try and remember what I wrote when I was 14.

Joe then walked back into the room and said "Okay, I'm leaving. Feel free to help yourself to breakfast and do whatever you want really. I'll see you in about half an hour"

"Okay, I replied

Joe then walked out of the living room and I heard the door close behind him. I knew that Nick wasn't here, he went out last night to stay at his mates and I heard him tell Joe that he wouldn't be back until tonight.

I got up and walked up to the music room and as I walked in I took a deep breath. I closed the door behind me and then walked over to the piano, sitting down once I got there.

I played a few chords that I remembered until a chord that I played seemed familiar to the one that I used for the beginning of the words that I had written when I was 14. I then messed around a bit more and found what I thought was the second chord.

From there it all came flooding back. I sung as I played the chords.

"It's probably what's best for you,

I only want the best for you,

And if I'm not the best then you're stuck"

I smiled as I was proud that I was able to remember the lyrics. But that was all I could remember, so I guess I will have to start writing some more. I decided that I should run and find some paper and a pen so that I didn't forget anything that I wrote.

I did so and when I came back I played through what I had remembered again.

"It's probably what's best for you,

I only want the best for you,

And if I'm not the best then you're stuck..."

I paused as I tried to think of how to carry it on, I played around with a few chords and then sung.

"I tried to sever ties and I ended up with wounds to blind,

It's like you're pouring salt in my cuts."

I paused again to write down the lyrics and then I started to play the whole of what I had written.

Joe's Pov

I walked in the door with some bags of shopping and heard what I thought was singing. I knew Nick had gone out and wouldn't be back until tonight but it didn't sound like him anyway.

I closed the door quietly behind me and then walked into the kitchen, placing the bags down as gently as I could. Then I walked slowly up the stairs and towards the music room. The door was slightly ajar and as I got closer the muffled words of singing became actual words.

I stood outside the door for a while as I listened to the beautiful voice. There was a silence and then she started from what must have been the beginning.

"It's probably what's best for you,

I only want the best for you,

And if I'm not the best then you're stuck,

I tried to sever ties and I ended up with wounds to blind,

It's like you're pouring salt in my cuts."

She then stopped singing, so I slowly opened the door enough so that I could walk in.

Demi's Pov

Joe walked into the room, I must have left the door ajar when I went to go and get the paper because I didn't hear the door lock turn.

I jumped "How long have you been here?" I asked quietly

"Long enough to here the most beautiful voice I've ever heard" he replied

I felt myself blush "I'm not that good"

"Demi, yes you are!" he replied "Please play what you just played again, it was really good!"

I felt myself blush even more, if that was even possible. "No" I replied "It's not even that good" I said

"Yes it is Demi!" he said "Please realise that"

I moved my hand and brushed it across the keys as I began to bash out some chords and sing the lyrics to what could be a song.

When I was finished I lifted my hands from the keys and Joe clapped, "See it was good"

I blushed again, I really didn't think it was good but if Joe said was then it could be the very beginnings of a song.

"Shall I leave you for a bit to try and write some more?" he asked "I need to put the shopping away anyway" he continued

"Okay" I said shyly

Joe got up and walked out of the room, when he got to the door he turned around and smiled a big smile at me before walking out and almost closing the door behind him.

I got up and decided that I didn't want him to hear anymore just yet, so I closed the door fully.

I sat back down at the piano and began to play around with some chords and some notes that could be a tune. I sat for a while doing this but I couldn't think of a good chorus, so I decided to use the same tune I already had for the first verse, to try and make up a good second verse.

I tried to think of some nice words to try and say how I felt, but it was hard. I began to sing slowly.

"Even though I know what's wrong,

How could I be so sure,

If you never say what you feel, feel."

I paused and wrote down what I had just sung, singing it again as I did.

"I must have held your hand so tight,

But you didn't have the will to fight,

I guess you needed more time to heal"

This verse, I decided was going to be about my experiences, I hadn't told Joe to whole truth yet, I just couldn't. It was too hard for even me to write down in lyrics, let alone tell someone that I hardly knew, even if he had taken me in.

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