Chapter 7

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Demi’s Pov

When I got to the games room, Joe was taking shots on the pool table; I just stood in the doorway watching him.

“Want a game?” he asked, looking up after taking a shot

“Yeah, sure” I replied

When we had finished our game he said “What next?”

“Umm” I said playing with my fingers

“What about going and sitting down in the living room” he suggested

“Okay” I replied quietly

We placed the cues to the pool table back into their proper place and then we walked out of the games room and towards the living room. We got to the living room and without seeing Joe’s parents, which, I was pleased about. It doesn’t matter what Joe has said, I still don’t feel right here, not like I belong, but then again, I will probably never belong because, well, I’m not family.

We went and sat down on the couch, I sat on the one opposite to the one that Joe was sitting on, I don’t dare sit next to him again; last time I did he gave me a hug and I really didn’t feel comfortable, so, to avoid that situation, I sat opposite him.

 Joe turned on the TV, it wasn’t very loud, but it was loud enough for us to hear. 20 minutes later I heard a key turn in the front door, as it wasn’t far from where we were sitting and I hear the voices of what I thought were Joe’s parents.

 Joe’s Pov

I heard my parents come in through the front door and as I heard their voices I looked over towards Demi, who I saw tense up. I decided to get up and go and have a quiet word with my parents before they saw Demi.

I got up and walked out the downstairs landing “Hey Joe” my mom greeted

“Hey mom” I greeted back

I looked over to my dad who said “Did you find her?”

“Yes I did dad” I said proudly

“Remember Joe, one wrong move” he reminded me

“I know dad” I replied “But she won’t make a wrong move”

“How do you know that?” he questioned

“Because I do, she’s……different”

“Alright Joe” he agreed with me to avoid the whole long conversation about how I thought she was different, I guess.

Mom and dad then walked into the kitchen to give the groceries that they had brought to the chef so he could cook dinner. I walked back into the living room as I had left Demi there on her own, she was sat there, staring at the TV and playing with her fingers; when I walked into the room she looked up from the TV and gave me a small smile. I went and sat down on the couch opposite her.

We continued watching the TV until my mom came in and said “Dinner’s ready”

I got up and Demi just sat there “Come on!” I said looking at Demi and then looking at my mom who nodded her head yes to say that she did mean Demi as well.

Demi gingerly got up and made her way towards me, my mom walked first into the dining room and Demi and I followed a little way behind.

We sat at the table and the chef served us dinner, I ate it how I usual ate; fast. Once I had finished I glanced over at Demi who still had over half her plate left and looked like she was struggling. I then looked over at my mom who said to Demi “If you can’t eat it all, you don’t need to eat it”

She paused “Just eat as much as you can” she said, giving Demi a small smile

Demi gave her a small smile back and I winked a thank you across the table at my mom

 Demi’s Pov

I sat down at the table to eat and the chef brought out this huge plate full of food; it had meat, potatoes and lots of vegetables on the plate. I ate some of the meat and some of the vegetables but I found that I wasn’t half way through and I was already full.

Joe had finished his meal, and so had his mom and dad, who, hadn’t spoken all meal time.

I saw Joe glance over at my plate and then at his mom “If you can’t eat it all, you don’t need to eat it” she said to me. She paused “Just eat as much as you can” she continued her sentence and giving me a small smile.

I gave her a small smile back

She then got up and left the table, so did Joe’s dad.

Joe’s brothers finished their dinner and got up from the table, leaving their plates on their placemats, Joe just sat there, then he said “If you’re full don’t worry about the rest”

I breathed a small sigh of relief, even though Joe’s mom said that I didn’t need to eat it all, it felt real and safe when Joe said it. I pushed my plate a little away from me and then looked at Joe.

“Want to go and watch some TV?” he asked

I nodded my head yes and then we both got up from the table and walked towards the living room.

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