Chapter 29

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Demi's Pov

We got in the house and I became all confused, why were the paparazzi here taking pictures of his dad? I asked Joe and he said that he simply couldn't say, he didn't know. Although, I sensed that he did know but wasn't telling me.

I became a little angry, we are supposed to be getting married and he can't even tell me why there are people taking pictures of his dad?

I decided to leave it, hopefully he'll tell me soon.

I walked up to my bedroom as I told Joe that I was tired, I truly needed a lie down now that I can relax knowing the baby is okay.

Joe's Pov

Demi went up to go and take a nap so I went to go and find my dad. I spotted him in the living room so I went in and sat down. 

He looked tired but I needed to ask him if it's ok to tell Demi about where he works.

I asked him and he said no, not really and he asked why I was asking.

"It's because she saw the cameras earlier and I had to pull her down the side path towards the backyard" I explained 

He nodded his head and said again that he'd prefer me not to at this stage, we then changed the subject.

"So what do you and Demi do up in the music room? You seem to go there a lot" he asked

"We sing and play, I've been refreshing Demi on how to play the piano" I replied

"Is she good?" he asked

"Why?" I asked him, I knew what his job was but he doesn't normally show interest in my music as I've said at this point in time I don't really want to 'make it' as they say.

"Just because I'm interested as to whether she can sing and play" he replied

"Maybe I can leave the door open later, just slightly and you can listen out?" I suggested

"Ok" he replied

"Then, you can choose whether you think she's good enough" 

"Good plan"

I then got up and went upstairs to see if Demi was awake, I knocked on the door, just in case she was getting dressed or something and then walked in after hearing her respond.

She was awake but looked like she had only just woken up, she was laying on her side in bed as now she is finding it harder to get from a laying position to a sitting or standing position. Demi is now 6 months pregnant and has quite a big bump.

I helped her to sit up and then slowly stand up and then I said "Fancy doing some singing?"

She agreed so we went off to the music room. We walked into the room and I left the door slightly open but not too much; I wanted to make sure Demi didn't know.

She sat down at the piano and begun to sing. She played an sung into the second verse I kept looking from her to the door while I was quietly strumming along to the song. 

Just then the door begun to open slowly and dad stood there. Demi hadn't notice the door open because dad didn't need to pull the handle down in order to open it. He stood there until she had finished the song and then he started clapping. 

Demi jumped and looked towards the door, she then turned back to me, she was blushing "How long has he been standing there?" she whispered

"Since the second verse" I whispered back

By this time dad had come over and was standing beside Demi. He had stopped clapping but had a big smile on his face.

Demi's Pov

I felt like I was blushing really hard when I noticed Joe's dad standing in the doorway. He came closer and then said "'ve got a very good voice young lady"

I felt myself blush even more, if that was even possible. I turned to look at Joe and then at his dad, he gave Joe a nod so I looked back at Joe. "Dad is a music producer" Joe said 

Suddenly everything started to click into place "So that's why the cameras were outside the house before?" I asked

"Yes. I told dad earlier that I thought you could sing, but he wanted to hear you for himself. I know you wouldn't have sung directly in front of him, but leaving the door ever so slightly open seemed like an option." he explained

Just then Joe's dad started speaking "I really think you can sing Demi; and I think you could have a future if you wanted it?"

"I don't know" I replied quietly 

"Why don't I let you think about it?" Joe's dad suggested

"I think that's a good idea" Joe agreed

I nodded my head in agreement too

Joe's dad then left and I turned to Joe and said "I don't want to play anymore"

It was getting late anyway and I knew it would be nearly time to eat and then go to bed. We both got up and then walked out of the music room. We walked down the spiral staircase and into the main lobby. I smelt Joe's mom making dinner.

We walked into the kitchen and Joe mom said "Dinner will be ready in 10" 

Joe nodded his head and thanked his mom. I turned and said "Thank you Joe's mom"

She giggled "You know you can call me Denise and my husband Paul"

"Ok, thank you" I simply said "Thank you Denise"

It felt weird calling Joe's parents by their first names because I had spent so long no knowing their names, and just calling them Joe's mom and Joe's dad. But, I guess because Joe and I are getting married they now know that I'm here to stay; and, they seemed ok abut it. So, I guess it made sense for me to call them by their names.

We sat down to a lovely meal and I thanked Denise again for cooking it and said it was delicious. When we had all finished we got up and I helped to bring the plates into the kitchen. Joe washed up and then we both went upstairs and laid on the bed talking.

"So have you thought anymore about what my dad said?" Joe asked

"A little" I replied "I think that its a good idea but I'm not sure I'm ready to make music professionally" 

"I understand" Joe said "But would it be something you like to do in the near future?" he asked

"I think so, yes. Maybe after the baby is born and he or she is at least a year old" 

"That sounds like a good idea, would you be ok if I told my dad that?" 

"Yeah" I replied

I soon felt myself falling asleep.

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