Chapter 20

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-The Next Day-

Demi's Pov

I woke up the next morning and looked out of the window, the warm sun shone through the window, making me nice and warm. I stood there thinking about Joe, about how kind he was to have welcomed me into his home; helped me when I needed it most. But, more than that, he has shown me love.

I walked away from the window and I grabbed my clothes out of the closet and then walked into the bathroom to get dressed. I walked out once I was finished, make up on and fully clothed. I walked out of my room and down the staircase; I heard Joe talking to Nick in the games room so I slowly wondered in that direction.

He was talking about me, so I listened.

"I really do love her Nick" Joe said

"Are you sure bro?" Nick asked

"Yes, she makes me feel better than I felt with any of those other girls that I've been with. They were just a drop in the ocean compared to how I feel about Demi"

I smiled as he said this; he must really love me.

"But what if she is just using you to have somewhere to stay?" Nick said quietly

"I don't think Demi is that sort of person Nick" Joe replied "And I'm shocked to think that you even thought she might do such a thing"

"Some people are very good at putting on a face" Nick replied

I was shocked at this, I would never use anybody, let alone someone that I had feelings for. I know Joe has given me a lot of his time and money, and I am very grateful that he did. But, maybe he is better off without me. What Nick said has just confirmed that not all his family think good of me. And even if Joe's parents do, I don't want to be walking on eggshells around anyone.

I walked away from the door and up to my room, I decided that I was going to go for a walk to hopefully clear my head. I went upstairs to grab my coat and to leave a note for Joe; just to say that I had gone for a walk.

I walked out of the front door and down Joe's long driveway.

Joe's Pov

I really can't believe that Nick would think bad of Demi, she seems so honest, kind and genuine; I couldn't not trust her. I have feeling for her and I can't even start to imagine what it feels like to lose your mom and dad; it must be terrible.

I walked up to Demi's room to see if she was awake. I knocked on the door and getting no answer I slowly looked round the door to see if she was there. She wasn't so I walked in. There was a piece of paper on her bed. I saw the word 'Joe' on it, so I picked it up. It read 'Joe, I've just gone for a walk, see you later. Love Demi'

I wonder where she had gone and why she had decided to go for a walk on her own. But I decided that I would just wait for her to come back. And if she wasn't back in an hour or so, I would go looking for her.

About an hour later, there was no sign of Demi. I decided that enough was enough. Had she run away again?

I got up from the couch and grabbed my coat, then I walked out of the front door. I started to walk down the driveway, I couldn't see anyone walking in the other direction. As I walked I tried to think about where she might have gone. The only too places I could think of was the park or under the bridge where she had been living. 

I tried the park first, I looked around but couldn't see her. By this time it was starting to get dark. I quickly walked towards the bridge where she had lived for so long. I shuddered at the thought of her being there.

I got there and I saw someone sitting down under a bridge arch. I ran over and as I got closer I recognised it as Demi. I ran even quicker.

When I got to Demi I fell to the ground, she was shivering. "What are you doing here?" she asked

"I came to find you" I replied


"Because I was worried and I thought you had run away" I said

"I had" she replied

"Why?" I asked her

"I overheard you and Nick talking" she said as a tear fell from her eye

I felt my blood boil. Nick was the reason that Demi had run away again and I wasn't happy. "Come on, let's get you home" I said as I wrapped my arms around her and helped her to stand.

I walked with my arm around her the whole way home.

When we got home I made Demi a nice mug of hot chocolate to warm her up. Then I left her to go and find Nick.

He was in his bedroom. "You're the reason Demi ran away again!" I said as I walked in

"No I'm not" he replied

"Yes, you are" I said back at him

"Why am I?" 

"Because you said that Demi might be using me and that she is untrustworthy"

"I was only looking out for you bro"

"I know, I know. But you know she is sensitive" I replied

"Yes, I know. But how was I to know that she was listening?"

"I don't know" I replied

"Bro, I suggest you go and calm down a little and then go and be with her, if she's been out in the cold, she probably just needs someone to stay with her."

"Ok, I will. Sorry and thank you Nick"

"It's ok" he replied

I went into my room and laid on my bed for a couple of minutes, but then I remembered what Nick said about Demi just needing somebody to be with her. So, I went downstairs with an extra blanket to wrap around her. 

I found her sitting with an empty mug in her hands. I took the blanket and wrapped her up in it. "Do you want some more hot chocolate?" I asked

"Yes, please" she replied

I took the mug from her and reheated the extra hot chocolate that was leftover.I then poured it into the mug and brought in back to her. I sat down next to her and placed an arm around her.

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