Chapter 10

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Joe's Pov

I wondered over this thought, thinking that maybe Demi was good at music somehow, but I couldn't put my finger on how. Or maybe she has just always liked music, but was never given the opportunity to play or sing. I wonder if she would be any good?

Just then a song that we had heard the other day came on the music channel and Demi started humming along to the music. It sounded like she was in perfect tune with the song. I decided that I will have to show her something.


"Yeah?" she replied

"Come with me a sec, I want to show you something"

"Okay..." she said, seeming a little puzzled

Demi's Pov

Joe took my hand and lead me out of the living room, I didn't like the feeling of him holding my hand so I pulled away. He gave me a disappointed look but he then carried on walking, with me following behind.

When we got to a closed door he stopped.

"Okay" he said "I think you are really going to like what I am about to show you"

"Okay..." I replied, still puzzled as to what could be behind the door

Joe opened the door and behind it was a grand piano and various guitars on stands. I walked into the room and saw a microphone and speakers along with some other instruments.

I walked up to the piano but hesitated a little, I've always wanted to learn to play the piano properly, I used to have a keyboard and a cheap guitar, but when my house got burnt down, I lost all of that.

I used to mess around on my keyboard and I used to like making up tunes but I never actually finished a song. Maybe I can finish it now? I do still remember some of what I wrote.

"You can sit down if you want" Joe said as he picked up a guitar from one of the stands.

I sat down at the piano and played a C major chord. "Wow!" Joe said loudly, making me jump. "Where did you learn that?" he asked

I guess this is time to tell him a bit more about my past, now is of good as time as any. "Well..." I started "Before my house got burnt down I used to have a piano and a cheap guitar. I used to love playing them although I never had lessons."

I stopped there, unsure as to whether to tell him that I used to write some stuff, he might think that I was sappy because a lot of what I used to write was slow and meaningful.

"What else do you know?" he asked

I ran my fingers across the keys and played a D minor chord, then a E major.

"That's amazing!" he said "Amazing that you remember that after all that time"

"I know" I replied "I think I've even surprised myself" I smiled

"Well, if you ever want to come up here to play the piano or guitar, just say. Or if I go out and you want to play, then just come up here"

"Okay, thanks" I smiled at him

There was a small pause and then Joe said "Let's go downstairs and get something to eat. Are you hungry? Cause I am"

"Okay" I said, although I was only a little hungry and I didn't feel like eating I followed Joe out of the room and closed the door behind me.

We walked down to the kitchen and Joe made us both a sandwich, we then walked into living room where the music channel was still on, I sat down in my usual spot and Joe sat in his. We watched the music channel for a bit and song came on that I had heard before and that I really liked. I started tapping my feet and once I had finished my mouthful I started humming along to the tune. I would sing, I used to love singing as well, but that was something I only did in private.

Once we had both finished our sandwiches Joe got up and took the plates out to the kitchen, leaving me in the living room.

He then came back and sat in his seat, we continued watching the TV until a reminder came up on the TV for a movie.

"Wanna watch that?" Joe said pointing at the TV "It's said to be really good" he continued

"Okay" I replied not wanted to stop him from watching the program that he wanted to watch.

Joe pressed a button on the control and the TV switched channel, there was a few adverts before the movie started so Joe got up and said "Do you want some popcorn?"

"Okay" I said

Joe walked out of the living room but soon came back with a bowl of popcorn, we sat and watched the movie, the bowl of popcorn on the table in between the couches.

When the movie was finished, so was the popcorn, Joe ate most of it, I wasn't hungry because we had just eaten a sandwich.

When the movie credits came up Joe said "That was good, wasn't Demi"

"Yeah, I loved it" I replied

Joe then grabbed the remote and changed in back to our most watched channel, the music channel.

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