Chapter 3

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 Joe’s Pov

“Joe, I can’t believe you would bring home a stranger! And one on the streets? Have we taught you anything about safety?” my dad put down his newspaper, “I know dad, I remember.” I sighed, they just don’t understand.

“Just because she’s a girl,doesn’t mean she is safe Joe.” he said loudly

I groaned, “It wasn’t because she was a girl dad!” I sighed, “Yes,she’s a girl! Yes, she was on the street, but she needs a home and anyone out there could rape her.”

“That’s none of our business though Joseph. She’s not our kid!” my dad yelled,

“So!? It’s a good thing to do!” I crossed my arms,

“Joseph,go to bed.” my mom told me,

“Mom,tell dad that I’m r--”

“Bed,now,Joseph.” she pointed upstairs,

“Fine.” I headed upstairs, I heard some crying passing Demi’s room, I knocked and entered, “Demi,why are you still up?” she wiped her eyes, “Demi,why are you crying?” I turned her around.

“I can’t stay here,Joe.” she turned back around, looking out the window at the pool glare.

“Why not?”

“Your parents don’t wa---”

I cut her off, “Don’t listen to my parents. This might be their house, but I’m 21 now and I’m telling you that you can stay here.”

I heard her sigh, “I don’t deserve this…” she looked down.

“Everyone deserves a chance..” I grinned at her, “Get some sleep, tomorrow we’re going shopping, no buts.” I walked out.

Demi’s Pov

Joe is so sweet, he shouldn’t be doing this to me, I don’t deserve this at all. I pulled the sheets  down and climbed into bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up. I didn’t know where I was at first until Joe walked in, “Morning,I hope you slept good. My parents made us breakfast, come on.” he gave me a smile, I followed him to the kitchen.

Another guy was here, “Whoa who is this?! Mom,let you bring home a prostitute?” he joked, earning him a smack from Joe’s mom.

“No.” Joe bopped him on the head, “This is my friend, Demi. Demi, this is my little brother, Nick.”

Friend? We’re friends?

“Nice to meet you,Demi.” Nick was rubbing his head. “You can sit down, I’ll get you, your food.” Joe winked and headed off to the kitchen.

I sat down quietly next to Nick, “So….You’re Joe’s friend?” he fixed his ball cap

“Yeah, I guess..” I nodded

“That’s cool...You guys friends with benefits or something?”

I looked at him strangely, “What?”

“You know, friends but they sleep tog---”

Joe handed me my plate, “We’re just friends.” he sat down in the empty spot beside me.

After breakfast I freshened up while Joe got ready to go. An hour later, we got in his Range Rover and he drove to a clothes store, “I know this great store, I go here all the time. They have awesome men clothes.”

“But I’m a girl..” I looked at him.

He chuckled at me, “I know, they have women clothes too.” he pulled into a store’s parking lot. He parked his car and got out, “Let’s go.”

We walked in the store, “Pick anything you want, I’ll be over in the men’s department.”

I nodded my head, “Okay.” I headed to my sizes and went through clothes. I grabbed some clothes that I wanted to try on.

30 minutes later, Joe came to me, “You got them picked out?” he smiled at me,

“Yeah..” I sucked in my lip,

“Okay, let’s go get you to try them on..” he took me to a dressing room.

After I tried them on, Joe took the ones that I wanted to have, so I went and started hanging up the clothes that I didn’t buy.

“Have a nice day.” I heard Joe say,then he came towards me, “Hey,you don’t have to hang them up,they will do that.” he took them from me and hung the rest randomly, “Let’s go.” we headed outside. I got in his car,as he put the bags in his trunk.

“I’m craving ice cream.” he smirked, he started driving off, I kept quietly.

“You don’t talk much?” he glanced at me, I just shrugged. He sighed and pulled into ‘Fat Cat Creamery’. He got out, so did I. “They have the best ice cream.” he fixed his hair. “Welcome to Fat Cat Creamery! What can we help you with?”

“I want waffle cone with Strawberry Buttermilk.” Joe ordered, then looked at me

“Uhm.. I want vanilla in a small cup.” Joe looked at me, then the worker, handing her the money.

We got our ice cream and took a table, “So...I don’t know a lot about you.” he licked his ice cream, “I’m Demi Lovato and I’m 22..”

He chuckled that, “I know that, but do you have any sisters? Brothers?”

I shook my head, “They’re gone..” it became silent.

“Friends?” he sighed, I shook my head again.

I know he’s doing this all for me, but how can I trust him now? How can I trust anybody now? I was abandoned..

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