Chapter 19

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Demi's Pov

It was Joe's mom, she had obviously come home from work. Both Joe and I jumped back startled. Joe stood up "Listen mom, I can explain"

"NO JOE, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT" she shouted

She then turned and started to walk out of the room. Joe got up and followed her "Please mom, listen to what I have to say"

Joe's Pov

"Please mom, listen to what I have to say" I said

She turned around, she had a sad but angry look on her face. I felt sorry that she had walked in on us and that seeing us kissing had made her upset.

She took a deep breath and then said "Ok"

We both walked into the living room and sat down. "Well..." she said 

"I love her mom" 

She sighed

"No! I really do!" I said trying to convince her

"Joe, you picked her up off the street not long ago and now you are saying that you LOVE her?"

"Yes mom that's excatly what I'm saying!" I paused as she sighed once more "I know I've had many girlfriends in the past, but, for some reason, Demi is different. She is special."

"You said that about the last one" she replied

"I know" I said "But this really is different, I promise. Please just give her a chance"

"Why should I?" she questioned

"Because...because she makes me happy" I replied, smiling back at her

"Your dad is NOT going to like this" she sighed

"I know, can you please talk to him? Please?" I begged

"Ok" she replied "But only if you promise that she is actually making you happy and this ISN'T a scam to help her to stay longer?"

"I promise!" I smiled at her

"Ok Joe, I accept the fact that she is your girlfriend. But, you need your father's approval as well you know?"

"I understand that mom, but she really makes me happy and I love her"

"Well...we'll have to see what your dad says" she replied

"Thanks mom!" I said getting up and giving her a huge hug

I walked out of the room and back up to the music room, down the corridor as I walked along I could hear the sweet sound of Demi's voice singing that tune again and again.

I entered the room and Demi stopped playing.

I looked at her "I've got mom's approval!"

She smiled

"All I've got to do is get dad's. And mom is going to talk to him tonight"

She sighed a little

"Don't worry, we have one on our side, hopefully she'll be able to help us get dad on our side too."

"I just hope that they respect your decision" Demi said quietly

"Yeah, so do I" I replied

That night, once Demi had gone to bed, mom talked to dad and she told me that he wasn't impressed but he had agreed to giving Demi a chance. But that he had also said that if she hurts me that she will be straight back on the streets, no warning!

I smiled big as mom told me this, this is the news that I wanted and I couldn't wait to tell Demi; but I was going to let her sleep and I would tell her in the morning.

The next morning Demi woke up and came into the kitchen as I was making breakfast. I stopped what I was doing and went up to her and pecked her lips "Morning" I smiled at her "Guess what?"

"What?" she smiled

"Both my parents respect my decision"

She smiled bigger than I have ever seen her smile before. Then she fell into my arms and gave me a hug, I held her there, not wanting to let go. 

Demi's Pov

Joe and I had just received the brilliant news that his parents respect Joe's decision about loving me. And, I think that he does really love me.

I smiled big, this feeling that I had inside me was like nothing that I had ever felt before, this was something that I had no control over. But I like this feeling, the feeling of being in love.

We both walked out into the garden and Joe watered the plants before sitting down next to me on the small bench that was in his garden. "I love you, you know that right?" he said as he sat down.

I smiled and blushed

"I'll take that as a yes" he said smiling back

I smiled even bigger. 

I stared into his eyes and he stared into mine. He leaned in and before I knew it I found my lips touching his and it felt like the world had stopped spinning because it was so magical.

When our lips parted we stared into each other eyes for a while longer but our gaze was broken as Nick came out making kissing noises through his mouth. 

"Shut up Nick" Joe grunted

"Joe's in love!" Nick sung, making fun of Joe

"Shut up" Joe said even louder

I didn't like raised voices, I pulled my legs up to my chest and put my hands over my face.

Joe's Pov

I noticed that Demi had pulled her legs up from the ground, I looked over at her ignoring Nick, who, was still making kissing noises and I put my arm around her, she flinched but then I think she realised that it was me and she relaxed.

"Hey hey hey, what's the matter?" I said

"I... I don't like loud voices" she said quietly.

"Nick..." I said quietly.

This made him stop the kissing noises.

"What?" he said

"Demi doesn't like it, can you please stop"

"Ok" he whispered, but I could tell that he didn't like it.

He walked away, leaving Demi and I sitting on the bench. Demi moved her legs down so that she was sitting normally again. Se relaxed a bit more when I put my arm around her.

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