Chapter 39

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Warning: The next two chapters are a little R-rated


Demi's Pov

Joe placed an old towel underneath me just in case my waters broke before we got to the hospital. He drove me there, I had 1 pain on the drive but Joe managed to hold my hand until it passed.

We were shown into one of the pool rooms, Joe had brought my birthing ball and it was a good job that he did because they didn't have one available. 

The doctor came in a saw me "Hi Miss Lovato" she said 

"Call me Demi, honestly, its fine"

"Ok" she replied "Demi, how many pains have you had and how far apart have they been?" she asked

Joe produced the notebook and gave it to her "Is this all the contractions you've had?" she asked

"No, I had another on the drive here" I said

"Ok" she nodded her head "As they are picking up nicely I'd like to examine you if that's ok?" she asked

"Yeah that's fine" I said as I walked towards, and got onto the bed

The doctor put on gloves and then examined me, when she was done she said "I'd say you're between 3 and 4cms dilated. You're making good progress" 

"Thank you" I said as I pulled my trousers back up

"How long do you think it'll be before she's here?" I asked

"I don't know, that's the thing about labour, you can never really tell at this stage" she replied "I'm going to leave you for a bit but I'll be back in an hour, ring the buzzer if you need me" she said as she walked out of the room

About 40 minutes later, I'd had another 8 contractions, they were coming quickly now; lasting about 1-2 minutes and then giving me a 4-5 minute break before building again. I had stood up for all of these, holding onto to Joe with each pain.

"Do you want to get in the tub?" Joe asked

"Mhmm" I moaned as another pain started to build "One minute" I said as I held onto him

I was already wearing a bikini top but no bottoms, I didn't see the point in doing that as my labour was moving along fast. 

I felt a weight drop inside of my again, with it came another pain and the urge the almost push. "Get me in the tub and push the buzzer" I said in a matter of urgency as Joe helped me into the already filled tub

I got into the tub and started to moan, I was in a lot of pain. So far I hadn't had any pain medication and now because I felt the urge to push I didn't want to have any. Joe had quickly gone over to the bed area and had pushed the buzzer as I continued to try to stop myself from pushing, as I didn't know if it was the right time.

The doctor quickly came into the room as my contraction kinda of stopped, I still had this big pressure in my pelvis and every ounce of me was telling me to push. 

"I need to push" I said as the doctor entered the room

I don't know whether she saw the state I was in and assumed that it was time or what, but she said "Do what your body is telling you to do"

Another pain started to build, "I don't trust myself" I moaned as I held back on pushing

She grabbed something from the side after putting her gloves on, she put it down on the floor next to the bath tub and then quickly grabbed a heart monitor and made sure the baby was ok. "Trust yourself, it's ok" she said 

The pain had finished and when it did the pressure became slightly less but was still there. I shook my head no " I...can't..." I moaned

She looked over at Joe who was sitting behind me but outside of the bath tub "I have an idea if you're up for it?" she said to Joe

"I'll try anything to help Demi" he said

"I want to you get in the bath tub and sit in front of her and hold this" she said as she picked the small mirror up from beside the bath tub

She then looked at me "I want to see you pushing" she said

"I...can't..." I just about managed to say because I was in the middle of a pain. 

Something was moving inside of me but down there, I could feel the strange sensation but couldn't see past my bump. Next thing I know Joe is getting in the tub and is following the instructions from the doctor. 

He took the mirror from her and held it at an angle so that I am able to see Madison. She was waiting for me, just sitting there. 

"Do you see her Demi?" Joe asked

"Yeah" I moaned as I once agian held back from pushing her out

"Do what your body is telling you to do" the doctor said once again

By this time I had had enough of holding back, the pressure and pain was getting worse and now I could see why...Madison was nearly here. 

I reached down and touched the top of her head and rubbed it gently, she moved inside me and it hurt and felt really weird. As another pain begun to build, I begun to start to trust myself and I gave a little push.

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