Chapter 24

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Demi's Pov

I looked at the screen and couldn't believe what I saw. A baby? A baby! I'm pregnant?!?!

Ever since I was little I always dreamed of becoming a mom, but when my parent's house burnt down and my relatives kicked me out, I didn't know anywhere that I could call home. Then Joe picked me up off of the side of the road; I mean, why did he pick me? Then he offered me a place to stay that was warm and comforting; but for some reason I never felt at home. I ran away several times because I didn't feel like I fitted in anywhere apart from under the bridge.

But I know that I can't do that now. I can't run away from my problems. I need to face this head on and look after myself, because I have a living growing being inside of me. I may have not looked after myself for a few years and to be honest, I was surprised that I hadn't become really ill from the way that I was treating myself. That aside though, this is going to be a fresh start for me, hopefully. I mean if Joe doesn't want anything to do with the baby then I will sort myself out some other way, and I will make sure that I do everything in my power to keep this baby alive, because I don't know what I would do if it died.

I slowly sat up with a little help and then I sat on the bed with my legs hanging over the side. I looked down at my knees but I knew Joe couldn't take his eyes off me. He was shocked, so was I, but I guess he had no idea that this would even possibly happen. 

Joe's Pov

How am I going to tell my parents?

That was all that was going through my mind. I didn't know what they would think of me getting Demi pregnant. I knew it was my baby because after it was confirmed that Demi was pregnant the lady doctor came back and sat behind her desk and we discussed dates. Demi was 8 weeks pregnant; which means that 2 months ago she conceived. It all matches up. I'm the father.

The doctor emphasised the fact that Demi needed to start looking after herself otherwise the baby might not survive. I knew that I needed to do everything in my power to make sure that baby survived.

We left the doctor's office without talking to each other. We walked down the long driveway towards my house. 

As we got closer to the house I noticed something; my parents were home! Demi backed up a little as if to tell me that she didn't want to see my parents.

"It's going to be ok" I said "I'll talk to them"

She nodded her head slowly and reluctantly walked the rest of the way towards the big house. Just then the door opened and there stood my dad.

"I thought she ran away" he said in a slightly disappointed tone while looking at Demi 

"Dad, can I talk to you" I asked

Demi and I came into the house and Demi waiting in the hallway while I talked to Dad in the living room. I told him everything from how much I cared about Demi to how she was pregnant. He didn't shout at me, he just sighed, told me how irresponsible I was but then he lowered his voice and said "I hope you look after her, she's going to need you now. I remember when your mother got pregnant for the first time, she found it very hard"

"I will, I know I need to" I replied

Dad then walked out and called Mom and Demi into the living room as well. He told mom about Demi being pregnant and she smiled "I'm going to be a grand-mom" she said while smiling, then she pulled Demi into a gentle hug; I saw Demi tense up but then relax a little.

Mom then looked Demi in the eyes and said "Now, no more running away. You're part of the family"

I felt all warm inside that Mom seemed to be accepting Demi, maybe her getting pregnant was good for all of us.

"Yes, you must look after yourself young lady" Dad said afterwards

"Come with me" Mom said to Demi

Demi followed mom out of the room and towards the kitchen

Demi's Pov

Joe's parents seem to accept me more now that I'm pregnant, which I find a little strange. I thought they were going to be very disappointed with both me and Joe and then not want Joe to have anything to do with the baby. I was pleasantly surprised.

Joe's mom took me into the kitchen and opened up a cupboard and pulled out two jars and gave them to me. "These are vitamins, you'll need them" she said "Take one of each in the morning, every morning"

I nodded my head and then took the jars into the living room where Joe and his dad were sitting watching TV. When I entered the room Joe stood up and walked over to me.

"Do you want to go up and make some music" he offered

I nodded my head but then said quietly "Can I shower first?"

"Of course!" he replied

I then made my way up to the bedroom that I had used before, it was exactly how I left it. I placed the vitamins on the dressing table and then went into the bathroom to shower.

After washing all the dirt off of my body I felt so much better and cleaner; I felt fresh and more confident. 

I walked downstairs and into the living room, Joe stood up when he saw me and then we both went off to the music room. Joe's parents had gone back to work for the afternoon, it turns out that they had just come home for lunch.

When we got up to the music room memories came flooding back about the night when it all happened. The thoughts about Joe only wanting to hurt me came back as well but I pushed them to the back of my mind because I needed to think positively.

I sat down at the piano and played what I remembered of "Catch Me", I was surprised when I remembered all of it perfectly.

We had been in the music room for about an hour when Joe suggested that we make some lunch and watch a bit of TV. I nodded my head in agreement. 

After making and eating lunch we decided that actually a game of pool would be nice as it had been a while. Joe said that he thinks he will beat me this time. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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