Chapter 18

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Demi's Pov

Mine and Joe's lips slowly parted and I found myself staring into his eyes; he was staring right back. But when we finally broke our gaze it was because of a dog that was barking loudly.

"Oh, sorry" I said, still feeling a little awkward because I had been staring

"Its alright" he replied, smiling back at me. There was a slight pause and then he said "Do you want some ice cream?"

"Yes please" I said, hoping that getting ice cream would break up the awkwardness somehow.

We walked up to the ice cream van and Joe ordered what I chose plus his choice. We then went and sat back down on the bench that we had been sitting on previously. 

We sat there and ate our ice creams. Once we were finished, he said "Do you want to head back?"

"Okay" I replied

As we walked back I couldn't help but feel awkward, this whole date, if you could call it that, was awkward. But, I was still in love, well this is what I think is love.

We hardly spoke until we got back to the driveway of Joe's house. "So, did you have fun?" Joe asked

"Yeah, it was nice" I replied

"Good" he said "Do you fancy a game of pool when we get inside?" he asked

"Yeah, sure, sounds fun!" I agreed

When we got inside I quickly ran upstairs, took my jumper off and put it in the closet. I then walked downstairs and into the games room where I found Joe just about to pick up the cues. He did so and then turned around, jumping slightly. I guess he didn't expect me to be that quick. He handed me a cue and then headed round to the other side of the table as he said "Do you want to break?"

"Sure" I replied as I walked round the the top of the table, lined the white ball up and then gave it a good hit with my cue, causing the coloured balls to be spread across the table.

Joe then picked up his cue. He managed to pot 2 balls, then I potted 1. The game carried on, but, in the end I won.

"I thought I was going to win when we started" Joe said, not very amused that he had lost, again!

I giggled 

Joe then came over to me and begun to tickle me "No, stop!" I laughed

"Why?" Joe said 

"Joe...stop!" I said through my laugher and he gave in. He stopped tickling me and backed away a little with his hands up to show that he had stopped

"Thank you" I sighed

"Hey hey, what's wrong?" Joe asked

"Nothing, I'm just tired" I lied

"Ok, why don't you head to bed beautiful? It is 8pm. Or, do you want a little something to eat first?"

"No, I'm fine" I replied "I'll just head straight to bed"

"Ok" he replied as he hugged me and I then walked away, out into the hallway and up the staircase to the bedroom where I had been staying.

I got into my pyjamas and then just laid on my bed awake. To tell you the truth I wasn't really tired I just needed some space. That's one of the things I have been struggling with, having people around me all the time. When I was homeless I was out on my own and because I was homeless for so long I got used to doing everything on my own. It was a way of life. 

Also, Joe asked me to be his girlfriend. Now I said yes, but was that the right things to do? I mean if his parents find out I can't imagine them being happy; there son Joe going out with a once homeless girl, yeah, I don't think so.

I also can't get my head around this feeling that I get every time that I see Joe, is it love? I mean, how am I suppose to know?

I must have finally fell asleep because I woke up the next morning due to being too warm under the covers because the warm sun was shining on the bed. It was nearly summer, hence Joe and his dad planting seeds the other day. 

I was hungry so I decided to get up and get dressed, then go downstairs and see if I could find Joe. I walked down the staircase and into the living room where I found Joe "Morning beautiful" he said

I glared at him slightly. "Where are your parents?" I asked

"Don't worry" he replied "They're at work" 

"Ok" I breathed a sigh of relief

"You didn't think they were home did you?"

"I did for a minute" I confessed

"No no, don't worry" Joe said reassuring me, he paused and then asked "Do you want some breakfast?"

"Sure" I replied

Joe then got up and walked with me to the kitchen and helped me make breakfast. I had 2 slices of toast with a bit of butter of them.

Once I have finished eating, Joe and I walked up to the practice room. When we got there Joe picked up the guitar and I sat down at the piano and I played through the familiar tune that I had wrote.

When I was finished I realised that Joe was staring at me, I turned and faced him and then found myself staring into his eyes. He leaned in. Soon our lips touched and moved in perfect sync with each other. When our lips parted Joe pulled me into a big hug and just held me tight. I didn't want him to let go, ever. For some reason I had this sense of safety in his arms, it's not something that I can explain but all I know is that I know Joe will protect me and that I am safe.

When he released me I sighed a little, but it wasn't loud enough for him to hear. He looked at me and then down at his guitar. He again, starting picking at the notes of that familiar tune that we had wrote together. I played along on the piano and I found myself singing the harmony to Joe's voice. It sounded perfect. Everything was just simply perfect.

At the end of the song I kept my foot on the piano pedal and the sound from both the guitar and the piano echoed throughout the room.

I found myself staring into his eyes once more. I leaned in this time and he met me in the middle and our lips touched.

Just then the door opened and a voice echoed "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"

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