Chapter 40

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I felt her move as I pushed but as I did the pain became unbearably worse. I cried from it and as tears streamed down my face Joe took my other hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "You can do this" he said

"The harder you push, the quicker it'll be over" the doctor said 

I wasn't sure that i wanted it to be over; once it was over I'd be a mom and I wasn't sure I was ready just yet.

Another pain came and this time I gave a huge shove with it, I felt her move a lot more this time. I looked down at the mirror and saw that I had pushed more of her head out. 

With the next contraction I gave another big push, I felt her move more out of me and once again I looked down to see how much progress I had made. 

"Ok now just breathe Demi" the doctor said "You're nearly there" 

"I've got another pain" I said, pleading with her to let me push "Don't push, just breathe through it" she said

I felt Madison slowly move with just the help of the contraction, I watched at her head was fully born. She turned inside of me, which felt weird but no sooner had she finished moving the doctor said "Now push as hard as you can, and you'll be a mom"

Joe moved the mirror out of the way and I let go of his hand so that I could catch Madison as she came out. I gave one hard push, she moved a little 

"Take a breath and then push again" the doctor encouraged

I did as I was told and sure enough Madison was born. I cried as I lifted her out of the water and up onto my chest. The doctor came over to make sure she was breathing ok and after a few seconds she let out this massive cry. 

I breathed a sigh or relief "She's ok" I said to Joe

"She's perfect" he replied as he kissed my forehead

After about 10 minutes, once I was ready to get out of the tub the doctor took Madison over to the baby trolley and cleaned her off and wrapped her in a towel. While she was doing this I got out of the tub with the help from Joe; I winced in pain as I moved.

"Shit, that hurts" I said 

Joe laughed a little

"It's not funny" I giggled back

Joe helped me to get onto the bed and soon enough I was holding Madison again. She started to scream, I didn't know what to do. 

It was times like this that I really missed my parents, my mom especially because she would have helped me know what to do. I missed them so very much, but I knew that they were watching me from above and that they would be so proud of how far I've come.

Joe looked at me, he seemed to have an idea of what she might want. "What do you think she wants?" he asked

I looked down and Madison was pulling at my bikini top and was opening and closing her mouth. Without saying anything I pulled my top up and she attached herself. 

"Look at that" Joe said "You're a pro"

I laughed, "I don't think so" I replied

Joe got up and kissed my lips, "I love you so much" he said as he planted a kiss on Madison's forehead. "We made this" he said as he sat back down

"Yeah" I smiled, I was proud that I had managed to get through the labour and I was amazed at how beautiful our baby was.

While I was feeding Madison, the doctor had been cleaning up by putting away her stuff, she took off her gloves and then said "Does baby have a name?"

Joe looked at me "Madison Rose Lovato-Jonas" I said, looking at Joe for approval

"Rose is such a sweet name, I can't believe we didn't think of it earlier" he said

"You like it?" I asked

"It's perfect" he replied

I looked down at Madison and said "Welcome to the world Madison Rose Lovato-Jonas"


So.....that's the end of 'Two Pieces' 

I really hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, please leave me a comment to tell me what you thought :)

Thank you so much for all the votes and comments that you have left, it means a lot to me and is the reason why I continue to keep writing :)

Two Pieces - A Jemi FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now