Chapter 27

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-The Next Day-

Joe's Pov

I walked down into the living room to find my parents, they seemed to have been waiting to talk to me. 

"Joe, can we talk?" my dad asked

I was right 

"Of course" I replied

"Joe, we've been thinking" my mom said

"And...we've been wondering when you plan on marrying Demi" dad asked

"Well...I hadn't really given it much thought, although I had thought about it" I replied

"Joe, she's carrying your baby and will be giving birth in about 3 months time, she's nearly 6 months gone already" mom said with the sound of urgency in her voice

"I know mom. I have given it thought, I just don't know when" I replied

"Well, if you want to marry her, it better be sooner rather than later" dad said

"Why?" I asked

"Because you know who I work for Joe. If people get hold of the fact that you haven't even so much as proposed to Demi they will freak!"

"Oh, I hadn't thought of that" I confessed

He nodded at me. We all knew that Demi and I had both had been staying in the house more and not really going out together apart from her ultrasounds. The "people" that dad was on about hadn't seemed to have put 2 and 2 together yet; which is good. But, they will more than likely find out any day now, so, it was vital that if I wanted to marry Demi, that I proposed soon; and, if I didn't want to marry her, that I was prepared to face the views of others opinions.

I sat there and thought about whether I wanted to marry Demi or not. But then I thought about how silly I was for even considering not marrying her; of course I wanted to marry her, she is the mother to my child.

"Can we go out ring shopping now?" I asked mom

Mom's face lit up "Of course! Let me just go and get my bag" 

Mom and I got in the car and made our way to the shopping mall. We headed straight to the jewellery shop and we looked around until I found the perfect ring. It was silver, with a beautiful diamond in it. 

"Mom, I think I found the one" I said, calling her over

"Oh yes, that's really beautiful" she agreed 

The store lady came over and said "Would you like to have a look at this ring sir?" 

"Yes please" I replied

As she got it out of the cabinet she said "This week we are doing a promotion, for an extra $20 you can get a word engraved in the piece of jewellery that you choose"

I looked at mom "Sounds like a nice idea I think"

"I think that if you are going to get something engraved it should be a meaningful word, not something that will possibly change"

"I agree" I said while nodding my head

I then looked at the sales lady and said "We'll take this ring and can I please have the word 'forever' engraved inside?"

"Of course" she said as she took the ring out the back of the store to be engraved"

"Nice choice" mom said once the lady had gone. "I think Demi will really love it and it will show her that you mean everything you say about staying together"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, although every time you say that you love her and she says it back, I can see that she only half believes you and she only half means it. But you have to understand that this is probably because of the circumstances that you found her in; she spent so long under that bridge Joe, no family, no friends, no one to love her. She probably doesn't know or has forgotten what love is"

I nodded, I understood. I knew that Demi couldn't help it and I also knew that I shouldn't ask her, she will discuss it when and if she is ready.

The sales lady then came back with the ring, she had shined it up and had engraved it with the word 'forever'.

It was beautiful and I said so, it was $2500 for the ring plus $20 for the engraving, and then I brought the man's ring that matched it; I also got that engraved with 'forever' . We went up to the cash desk and paid for the two rings, it came to a grand total of $5040.

We left the shop and made our way home, I wondered if Demi was still asleep. It was 10 in the morning but we did go to bed quite late last night.

We walked through the front door as dad was waiting to go out to work, he left as soon as we were back. 

I walked up to Demi's bedroom to check if she was still sleeping. She was. I decided that I wasn't going to propose to her now, but, I had a good idea of how.

I got onto the bed next to her and woke her up slowly by lifting her top up slightly and planting kisses on her stomach. When I heard her giggle a little I knew she was awake, so I lifted my head and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips.

"Morning sleepyhead" I greeted her

"Morning" she replied while stretching her arms above her head

She quickly moved her arms down from stretching and onto her stomach as she took a deep breath. 

"Baby kicking?" I asked

"Yes" she replied as she took another deep breath after another kick

I helped Demi to sit up as it was getting harder and harder for her to get from a laying position to a sitting or standing position. Demi swung her legs over the edge of the bed and I then quickly went round to help her up into a standing position. 

Demi's Pov

"I have an idea" Joe said

"And what's that?" I asked

"Let's go and sing to the baby, I bet he or she will love hearing your voice again" 

"It has been a while" I said "Would you like that little one?" I said out loud

A few moments later I felt another kick, I took a sharp intake of breath and I placed my hand on my stomach

"I guess that means yes" Joe said

I nodded in agreement

I got dressed and then Joe and I walked down the corridor and towards the music room. He opened the door for me and we went inside. 

I sat down at the piano and begun to play, Joe started singing along with me in a lower tone. I got to nearly the end and by this time Joe was sitting on a seat next to me with his hand on my stomach feeling the baby move while we sung the song that I had wrote. 

He let me sing the last two lines "If this is love please don't break me,

I'm giving up so just catch me." I sung

"Demi...." Joe said as he looked me in the eyes

"I love you so much Demi and I know that sometimes you find it hard to accept it and you find it hard to let people in, but, I truly love you Demetria Devonne Lovato."

Joe then stood up and started walking around to the other side of the piano stool, I followed him as he walked and talked, my heart beating out of my chest.

"You are my world, my everything....and I don't know what I would do without you Demi."

Joe then reached into his pocket, pulled out a box, got on one knee and said "Will you marry me?"

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