Chapter 35

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"Maybe we could try to just relax?" he suggested "Like, not do anything, just be lazy" he laughed

"Yeah" I sighed "I'll try anything" I replied

I begun to cry, I had lost the closest people to me, my parents; I couldn't lose my baby as well. I know the doctor said she would be fine if she came now, but, I was willing with all my might for her to stay inside for a bit longer.

As much as I didn't enjoy being pregnant at this stage, I would rather Madison stay inside and be ok when she arrived, rather than her being taken away from me once she was born because she wasn't well.

Joe and I sat on the bed for a little while longer; Madison was moving slowly inside of me.

"I can't imagine she's got much more room in there" Joe said as I noticed that I had subconsciously moved my hand to my stomach because she was moving, Joe knew me too well.

"Yeah" I replied "It feels even stranger when she moves now" I squirmed as she moved and kicked me softly in the side

Joe looked down at my stomach just as she kicked again "You can actually see her little foot" he said

"Yeah its really weird" I squirmed again

Joe took my hand which had my ring on it and planted a kiss on my fingers, he then bent down a little and said "I love you so much Madison" as he planted a kiss on my stomach

He came back up and looked me in the eyes, "I love you Dem" he said 

"I love you too" I said in a sort of trance

He leaned in, I did the same just as our lips touched. My stomach was up against his body, Madison kicked again, we both laughed in the kiss. We pulled away.

"I think she's trying to tell us something" I said laughing

"Maybe" Joe laughed as he lent in a gave me a quick peck on the lips

The afternoon, we were sitting in the living room watching TV when Madison suddenly started moving again. Soon after that I felt a pain begin to build; Joe was sitting next to me so I took his hand and quickly said "Pain" 

He let me squeeze his hand as the pain got worse, I begun to cry as the pain got to it's worst part. Denise was sitting across the room from us while this was happening; when the pain started to become less I opened my eyes to see a sad look across her face.

"What's the matter mom?" Joe asked looking at her

"I was hoping that Demi wouldn't have any more pains today" she said 

"So was I" I said now that the pain had completely gone

"What do you suggest we do?" Joe asked

"Maybe if Demi has one more pain, then go to the hospital. It really does depend on when she get one though" Denise replied

I became worried, I really didn't want Madison arriving soon, she still needed to grow some more and become a bit stronger before she was born. I lent my head on Joe's chest and I begun to cry a little. "Hey hey hey" Joe said "Please don't cry"

"She can't arrive yet" I sobbed

Denise got up and left the room while Joe said "It'll be ok Dems, she's safe, we are keeping an eye on your pains just like the doctor told us too"

I didn't say anything, I just cried into his chest 

"Would you feel better if we got you check out?" he asked

"Yeah, I think so" I sobbed

"Dry your eyes and then we'll go to the hospital" he said as he handed me a tissue

I wiped my eyes as I begun to calm down. I placed both hands on my stomach and said "You need to stay in there a little longer Madison". She moved a little bit.

Joe helped me to get up and after he grabbed his wallet, keys and phone we both got into the car and he drove us to the hospital.

When we arrived we waited in the waiting room of the ward to be called through. It wasn't long before someone came to get me. I was taken into a side room and a doctor talked to me about what had been going on; I explained that over the last couple of days the pains had been more painful and more frequent.

"How many pains have you had today and yesterday?" she asked

"I had 3 yesterday and I'm already up to 3 today" I replied

"Well as it only 2 in the afternoon there is a chance you could have more" she said thinking "How often were the ones yesterday?" she asked

"They happened towards the end of the day, I probably had an hour or so gap in between"

"Hmm" she said as she looked at my notes "I see your doctor examined you today as you were just about 1cm along" 

"Yes that's correct" I said. Joe had remained quiet but was listening with his hands in his lap.

"Well, if its ok Demi, I'd like to examine you again now and see if there's any progress of whether you are still the same"

"Ok" I agreed

"Would you like Mr Jonas to leave the room?" she asked

"No, it's ok" I replied, I mean Joe had seen it all before to get me pregnant, I wanted him there for support.

I got on the bed and just before the doctor examined me she said "This may hurt a little"

I sighed as I put my hand out for Joe to take, he took it, and as the doctor examined me and the pain got worse I squeezed his hand tightly.

Once she was finished she took her gloves off and said "There isn't much change, I'd say you're now a good 1cm, not only just"

"So, am I going into labour?" I said as I felt tears come to my eyes

"Possibly, but very slowly" she said as I begun to cry softly, she handed me a tissue to catch the tears as they fell. "As you're 34 weeks I am going to suggest that we admit you for bed rest and observation" she continued "I would like your baby to stay in there for a little longer" 

"So would I" I said through my tears

Joe had been holding my hand while I was laying on the bed, he got up and helped me to sit up. The doctor took us off to another room and carefully hooked me up to a machine.

"This machine will monitor your contractions by seeing how strong and how frequent they are" she said as she was attaching some of the monitors to my stomach. "Now, I just want you to stay in bed, ok?"

"Ok" I said 

"I want to see if bed rest makes the pain less frequent and not as strong" she said as she picked up my notes and left the room

"What do you want me to do?" Joe asked

"I don't know" I replied

"I might go home and pack a bag for you soon" he said "Is that ok?"

"Yeah, could you also pack some things for Madison too? Just in case she is born"

"Of course!" he said

We sat there and talked for a while until Joe said that he was going to go and get the things and that he wouldn't be long.



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