Chapter 15

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Demi's Pov

I woke up the next morning with a big smile across my face; I looked down on the dressing table the was in my room and there was  pink envelope. I opened it.

It read:

'I know you haven't quite decided yet. But I have. I would like to take you out Demi; then you can make your choice. And after a night out with me if you decide that you don't want to be with me then that's ok. No hard feelings. Joe.'

I looked over towards the door and at the bottom of the door there was another pink envelope. I opened this one. 

It read:

'Sorry I didn't quite get it all in the last letter. I totally forgot to put where and when. Meet me at 2pm at the front door. Joe.'

I looked at the little bedside clock, it read 12 noon. I must have slept in. This leaves me 2 hours to get ready. I started to panic as I thought the clock said 1pm but as it says 12 noon I can spend my time making sure that I looked perfect.

I started to get ready in the guest bedroom. When Joe had taken me out to buy clothes he had also let me buy some make-up but I didn't bother wear any around the house because I didn't see any point; plus I was used to not wearing any anyway. When I was little my mum used to let me watch her do her make-up and before my house got burnt down and I lost everything I used to do my own.

Now I hope I can remember how to do my make-up, I thought to myself. I got the make-up out of the side of the dressing table and put it on the top. I took a deep breath. Now where do I start? I said to myself.

I started by putting a small amount of foundation on and then some powder to hold it in place. Then I put some eye-liner on and finally some mascara. I looked at the clock again and saw that it had taken me a little over half an hour to just do my make-up. 

It took me another hour to choose my outfit, get dressed and do my hair. I then took a final look in the mirror, and, to me, I looked perfect; my hair, my make-up and what I was wearing was absolutely perfect. For the first time in a while I actually felt good about myself.

Next, I walked down the stairs in Joe's house which lead to the middle of the downstairs hallway. Joe's hallway is like another room, it's very big.

From there Joe took my hand and lead me out to his car. 

Joe's Pov

I was waiting for Demi by the front door, I had put on some smart jeans and a checked shirt. It was smart but casual. I didn't want Demi to get the wrong impression.

Just then Demi walked slowly down the stairs and as she did I looked up. She looked absolutely beautiful. As she reached the bottom of the stairs I walked towards her and took her hand and then we made our way out to my car.

I opened the passenger side door and let her get in; I then closed the door and walked around to the drivers side. I got in and put my seatbelt on.

"Where are we going?" Demi asked

"You'll just have to find out, won't you" I replied

I wasn't taking Demi anywhere fancy, for some reason, I didn't think that was her style. We drove for a little bit and then I pulled up in an empty parking lot. We both got out , I grabbed a blanket from the trunk and then I took Demi to the top of a hill. I shook the blanket out and then I motioned for her to sit down.

We both sat down and we chatted for a couple of hours, Demi had the cutest laugh as we talked about the funny moments we had had together, like when Nick thought that he could beat Demi at pool but he lost not once but twice.

It got dark so we decided to head home, I took Demi's hand and helped her up, I grabbed the blanket and we headed back to the car.

Demi's Pov

I had a lovely time with Joe, I thought to myself as Joe drove us home, my hair blowing behind me in the dark nights sky. It was amazing how he made me feel, he didn't dress too smart or too casual, he was just right. Maybe just right for me? But I guess I will never know until I give him a chance. I might sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning.

When we got back to Joe's house I got out of the car and, after saying thank you for a lovely afternoon and evening, I headed up to bed.

I got up to the guest bedroom and closing the door behind me I let out a big smile. I just couldn't hold it in any longer.

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