Chapter 38

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Demi's Pov

I've had 3 contractions this morning and with each one I become more and more scared. I really don't know how I'm going to push Madison out, I'm scared something will go wrong or I won't be able to push her out.

There was about 30 minutes in between contraction 1 & 2, then around 15 minutes between 2 & 3. Joe wrote this down. 

"From now on, we should write times" I suggested

"Good idea, then we can write the difference in times next to it?" Joe added

"Yeah sounds like a plan"

My contractions weren't very regular, yes I had one with a 15 minute gap but I now haven't had another for nearly an hour. Which, would suggest that things aren't moving as quickly as they should.

"Why don't we go for a walk around the house and garden?" Joe suggested

"The doctor told me I need to be on bed rest" I said

"Not anymore" he replied "When I was on the phone with the doctor she said walking around will help speed things up a bit"

"I'm not sure I want to speed things up" I said

"Dem..." he replied "Madison is ready to meet her mommy"

I began to cry softly as Joe pulled me into a hug. "It's going to be ok" he said "You can do this, I'll be here with you the whole time" he continued, trying to reassure me

"Ok" I sighed "Let's go for a bit of a walk"

It has now been a little over an hour since my last contraction but maybe walking will start them off again. I have mixed feelings about actually becoming a mom; I really can't wait to meet Madison but what if I fail at being her mom?

Joe helped me to stand up and we walked down the staircase and into the living room where Denise was watching TV. 

"Hey Joe, oh hey Demi" she greeted us

"Hi" I said back

"How is everything going along?" she asked me

"I've only had 3 contractions this morning but they seemed to have stopped now" I said, putting one hand on my bump

"But the doctor said that she needs to walk around a bit, to keep things moving" Joe continued my sentence

Denise nodded her head and then said "You'll do just fine Demi, I can't wait to meet little one" 

We hadn't told Denise and Paul the baby's name, it had nearly slipped out in conversation a couple of times but we wanted it to be a surprise for them so we decided not to say anything. 

Joe and I left the living room and walked out into the garden, Joe had brought me a birthing ball as when I go to the hospital I might not get one. It's in my birthing plan but sometimes they don't have enough of them. As I really wanted to try the birthing ball, Joe brought me my own so that I would defiantly have one.

He brought the ball out into the garden and helped me to sit on it. He went and got the notebook as I slowly bounced up and down on the ball. 

"This is fun" I said 

"You won't be doing that during a pain" he joked

"Yeah, I really won't be" I giggled 

I then decided to move my hips around in a circle while on the ball. After a while I'd had enough.

"Can I get in a bath?" I asked Joe

"Sure" he replied

"I'm just scared that I'll have a pain while in there" I said nervously

"I'll get in too if you want?" he suggested

I slowly nodded my head yes

We walked upstairs and into the bathroom attached to our bedroom. It had a walk in shower but also a decent sized round bath tub. I got changed into a bikini and Joe got into some swim shorts. Once the bath had enough water in it and we were both changed we got in. 

The water felt nice on my back, which, had started to ache a little. It wasn't a contraction, it just ached. Joe sat on the bottom of the bath, we hadn't filled it too high, we wanted to be able to sit on the floor of the bath. 

I folded my legs over in half and sat in front of him, I held onto his hands. "Do you have any ideas for her middle name?" I asked him

As soon as I had asked that, I felt my stomach tighten and another wave of pain come over me, I started to take deep breaths as Joe held onto my hands and said "You're doing just fine"

"I'm scared" I quivered as the pain became worse

"Don't be" he replied "I'm right here" 

I leaned forward as the pain reached the most painful point, I rested my head on his chest and continued to breathe deeply. 

I lifted my head from his chest about a minute later "Is it gone?" he asked

"Nearly" I managed to say

He continued to hold my hands for a few more seconds as the pain went. He the grabbed the notebook and pen, checked his phone and wrote down the time that it was 2 minutes ago as that was about how long the contraction lasted.

"Ok now we wait and see when the next pain comes" I said

"Yeah, but the walking seemed to work" he replied

"Yeah" I sighed as I looked down at my stomach and placed my hands onto it, rubbing it gently.

"What's the matter Dems" he asked

"Do you think I'll be a good mom?" I asked him nervously

"I think you'll be even better than good" he replied "You'll be the best mom" 

He lent in and pecked my lips, I pulled away quickly as another pain took hold. "Deep breaths" Joe reminded me as I had started to pant by taking shorter and shallower breaths

I calmed my breathing down and begun to concentrate on taking deeper and slower breaths. After the pain had gone, Joe took the notebook and wrote down the time. 

"That was 16 minutes in between those" he said

"Do we go to the hospital?" I asked

"Let's see if you have one more in the next 15-20 minutes, if you do we'll make a move to the hospital"

"Ok" I agreed

We got out of the bath tub and dried ourselves off. I took off my bikini, and placed another one in the bag that Joe had packed a few weeks back, because we thought I was going into labour then. I wasn't, but now its the real deal.

I walked over to Joe a few minutes later as I felt another pain start to build, I just about managed to get to him and hold my hands together behind his neck before the pain got too bad. Joe got the notebook and wrote down the time after the pain had finished.

"That's 15 minutes" he said

"Let's make a move?" I suggested

"Yeah" he said as he grabbed the bag and we made our way downstairs and got into his car.

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