Chapter 17

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Demi's Pov

"YES!" I said, not thinking. I didn't need to think, he was perfect.

I pulled him in a tight hug and when we let go I crashed my lips onto his, without even thinking. I pulled away and just stared into his eyes.

Joe blinked which broke my gaze, I looked once more at his lips but then Nick walked in the hallway where Joe and I were standing, probably a bit to close for comfort. 

"What's going on here then?" Nick asked with intent

"Nothing" Joe replied quickly, looking at his bother to reply to him and then looking straight back at me.

"You're lying!" Nick exclaimed

"No I'm not!" Joe raised his voice

I didn't like it when Joe his voice.

"Yes you are!" Nick teased

"Okay" Joe said a little more quietly. He pulled Nick a little closer to him and wispered "Promise not to tell?"

"Promise" Nick said laughing a little

"No! You've got to REALLY promise me this time" Joe said looking at Nick with all seriousness

"Okay" Nick replied, this time not laughing and keeping  straight face

"Good. Okay. Well....." Joe started to say

"Well what?" Nick cut him off with his eagerness to hear what the secret was. 

All this time I was standing there, Joe's back to me as he was making sure that his brother wouldn't rat him out.

"Well...." Joe started again "Me and Demi..."

"Yes.." Nick said trying to encourage his brother to tell him 

"Me and Demi and going out" Joe said quickly and quietly 

"You mean...going out as in out, out?" Nick asked

"Yes" Joe replied "As in boyfriend, girlfriend style"

Nick looked at Joe in shock.

"But you can't tell mom or dad" Joe said looking his brother in his eyes

"I won't" Nick said quietly

Nick then walked off into the kitchen, it was lunchtime so I guess he was going to make himself some lunch.

Joe turned back to me "So...where were we?" he asked

"Umm..." I replied shyly

"Do you want to go out?" he asked

"Where to?"

"Umm...the park?" he suggested

"Okay" I said bouncing slightly on the balls of my feet getting excited

Joe took my hand, but before he did he looked behind just to make sure that his parents weren't there. 

He lead me outside and past the car, it was a nice day so we decided to walk to the park. We walked up Joe's long driveway, just talking.

"So..." Joe said

"Yeah?"  replied as the situation was getting kind of awkward

"Did you ever used to sing when you was at home, you know before..."

"Umm...yeah I did" I replied quietly. I was trying not to let my tears fall, I missed my mom and dad and even though my house got burnt down a couple of years ago I still miss them.

I couldn't hold back the tears any longer, I fell into Joe's arms and burst out crying. "I miss them" I cried into his chest

"Hey hey hey" Joe said trying to calm me down "Who do you miss?" 

I was silent apart from the sobs that came out of my mouth. I didn't say anything. I was wondering whether Joe would be able t figure it out without me telling him. I couldn't speak because I was crying so hard.

Just then I heard Joe say "Oh" 

I looked up from his chest as the realisation spread across his face "I'm sorry" he sighed

A couple last tears fell from my eyes, Joe was looking at me and as the tears fell, he wiped them away with his thumb.

We walked the rest of the journey to the park in silence. Joe asking that question had defiantly made the situation VERY awkward.

When we got to the park we sat down on a bench and for a moment we just watched the little children play in the park. All the time I was thinking how wonderful it would be to have a child of my own someday. How I could watch them grow from a baby, to a child, to a teenager and to an adult having there own children. I think having that blessing would be amazing.

"Demi?" Joe said breaking me out of thoughts "What you thinking about?"

"Joe..." I said "Do you ever want children? You the future?"

"Yeah..." he replied "I guess I do"

"You guess?"

"Yeah, I mean I hope I'll be a wonderful dad to a child one day, I just don't know when" he replied "What about you?" he asked

"That's what I was thinking about..." I said "I think having a child someday would be amazing, a blessing. Having someone that I can watch grow up and make a life of there own would be magical."

"True" Joe said agreeing with me

Joe looked at me in the eyes and then leaned in, yesterday I wasn't comfortable with Joe kissing me in his back garden but now we are girlfriend and boyfriend, it all seems different. It's like we have permission to kiss in public, because we have that status of being in a relationship.

He leaned in further and as he did I leaned in as well, our lips touched and sparks flew, this was a true kiss and I knew now that this WAS love.

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