Chapter 25

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We played our game, and of course, I won again. I didn't laugh or smile, I wasn't in the mood to; I couldn't stop thinking about this baby. Baby, baby, baby; that was all that was going through my mind.

That night I walked up to my bedroom and laid on the bed, I spread my arms wide while laying on my back. I smiled. This baby might fix and seems to be fixing everything for me, everything seems to be working out just right.

I placed a hand on my stomach and rubbed it gently, I hope this baby knows that he or she is really loved.

I woke up the next morning in the same position; laying on my back with my hand on my stomach. I felt stiff, so slowly stretched and moved into a sitting position. I got up and after checking that I looked somewhat presentable, I took my morning dose of the vitamins that Joe's mom had given me.

I walked downstairs to find that it was just Joe in the living room. His parents had probably gone to work; leaving us and Joe's brother, Nick. Although I knew that Nick lived here, he seemed to be gone most of the time and was probably unaware of the news. 

"Morning" Joe greeted me

"Morning" I replied

"How are you feeling today?" 

"I'm feeling ok" I replied "A little weird, but ok"

"What do you mean by weird?" he asked

"I guess, just not myself" I said

Joe stood up and guided me to the couch while nicely telling me to sit down. "Maybe you just got up too quick?" he suggested

"Maybe, yeah" I replied

He sat down next to me and slipped his hand into mine. It kind of seems like we never had that 2 month break, it seems like I never ran away. 

"Have you taken the vitamins this morning?" he asked

"Of course" I smiled

"I love you" he said, looking at me.

"I love you too" I replied, looking straight into his eyes.

2 hours later I woke up with my head on Joe's chest, I smiled as I woke up.

It wasn't long before it was dinner time and Joe's parents walked through the door with food for dinner. We all sat down at the table and ate. 

That night I went upstairs, got ready for bed and then got into bed but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop thinking about this baby. I had so many thoughts and so many worries. I had gone to bed early, and I knew that Joe wouldn't be asleep just yet so, I grabbed my robe and then walked slowly down the hallway and knocked softly on his bedroom door.

He opened it and smiled. His TV was on and he was in his pyjamas ready for bed. "I can't sleep" I said

"Come in" he replied as he moved out of the way so that I could walk into the room

We stood in the centre of the room and Joe pulled me into a hug, "Why can't you sleep?"

"Thoughts and worries" I simply replied

He motioned for me to sit on his bed. He then got on the bed too, sitting behind me and begun to move my shoulders up and down, trying to relax me. I got to admit, it was actually helping and I was slowly feeling myself getting more and more tired.

The next morning, I woke up. But I was still on Joe's bed. I must have nearly fallen asleep when he was helping me relax and he must have helped me lay down on top of the covers. 

Joe was still asleep, breathing deeply next to me. 

I stared at him, he is so handsome and I can't believe he's my boyfriend and father to my baby. I lay there thinking about everything; thinking about how much I loved this baby even before I've even felt it move or kick. I thought about Joe and I; about how much I loved him.

I then felt my stomach churn and I felt sick, I got up quickly and ran to Joe's bathroom. I lent over the toilet but I wasn't sick. It felt horrible though.

Just then Joe walked in. "What are you doing?" he asked in a concerned tone

"I...feel...sssick" I managed to say

Before I knew it he was kneeling down beside me holding my hair back just in case. I gagged a couple of times and lent even further forward like I was going to be sick, but, I wasn't. I guess because I haven't eaten or drunk anything there is nothing to actually come up.

I sat back, away from the toilet and looked at Joe. "You feel a little better?" he asked

"A little" I replied

"Let's go downstairs and get you some water and maybe a little spot of breakfast" he said

I slowly got up and followed him downstairs. We walked into the kitchen where Joe's mom was making breakfast. "Morning Joe, morning Demi" she greeted

"Morning" we both replied, nearly in unison

Joe's mom then looked at me "How are you feeling today Demi? You look a little pale"

"I felt and nearly was sick when I woke up" I replied

"Ahhh" she said "Morning sickness"

I remember my mom talking about that when I had to do a piece of school work on my life. She had briefly said that she never felt sick when she was pregnant with me. I didn't really understand it at the time, but, I do now!

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