Chapter 37

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-3 weeks later-

Demi's Pov

I woke up to the smell of food, Denise must be cooking a homemade breakfast. I opened my eyes to see Joe holding a tray with a hot breakfast on it. I smiled. I was really hungry.

I had been either in bed, sitting on the bed or occasionally downstairs in the living room for the past 3 weeks; I was getting bored and part of me couldn't wait for the baby to be born. The other part however wanted the baby to stay put because I knew that she still had a little bit of growing to do.

"I'm just gonna use the restroom" I said as Joe went to give me breakfast

"Let me help you" he said as he set the tray down on the side table and took my hands, helping me up. 

Suddenly I felt something inside me drop. I didn't know what it was but as it did I grabbed onto Joe's hands tighter. 

"Are you ok?" Joe asked

"I don't know" I replied "Something moved" I said

"The baby?" he asked

"Probably, but it felt different"

Just then a wave of pain started to build "I've got a pain" I said quickly to Joe as I stood there holding his hands. He took my hands and placed them behind his neck so that I was holding onto him. He then placed his hands on the sides of my bump. I started to sway back and forth as that had helped once before. 

"Ouch ouch ouch, this really hurts!" I cried as tears begun to fall from my eyes

The pain became a little worse and I cried with it; then it started to subside and get less painful. Once it was over I let go from behind Joe's neck and placed both hands on my bump. "Woah that WAS painful" I said as I wiped the tears from my face

Joe got me a tissue and I cleaned my face up before going off to use the restroom. I pulled down my pyjama bottoms and underwear but then my heart begun to race, there was a small bit of blood and fluid. I quickly finished and after getting dressed I walked out to Joe and fell into his arms. 

"I think Madison will be here soon" I cried into his chest

"What makes you think that?" he asked

I told him about the small amount of blood and fluid and he then went to get his mom from downstairs, I sat on the bed waiting. 

Denise came into the room, followed by Joe, who came and sat down next me and held my hand. Joe had already told Denise about what had happened. 

"Don't worry about it Demi" she said "It's completely normal. But, I would phone your doctor and let them know that it's happened" she continued 

I felt another pain start to build, I tensed up while Joe was still sitting next to me. He got on the floor in front of me as I was sitting on the edge of the bed. I put one hand on each of his shoulders and he placed his hands on my bump. 

"Deep breaths Dem" he said 

I took some deep breathes as the pain became worse, "Awwwww" I screamed as the pain reached the most painful part. "Keep breathing" Joe said calmly as he rubbed my stomach

I kept taking deep breaths until I felt the pain disappear. The whole time Denise was watching how Joe reacted to me being in pain, she seemed proud of her son.

Joe's Pov

As Demi's contraction finished she stopped grabbing onto my shoulders and begun to relax a little. 

"That was quite soon after the last one" I said

"Yeah, about 30 minutes" she replied

"I'm gonna go get my phone and call our doctor" I said "Will you be ok for 10 minutes?" I asked

"Yeah I'll be ok" she said

I then got up from the floor and walked out of the room with Mom. She started talking to me as we got out of the room.

"That was really well handled Joe" she said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"The way you handled Demi being in pain, you didn't freak out or turn to me, you handled it very nicely" she continued

"Thank you" I replied as I got my phone from my bedroom and dialled the doctor's number. Mom walked downstairs while I stood on the landing and spoke into the phone. I told the doctor that Demi had 2 pains this morning, and that she saw a bit of blood in her underwear. She reassured me that it was ok to see the little bit of blood and that I shouldn't worry about it. As for the pains she told me to time them and write down how far apart each one is.

"I want you to do this, so that when Demi has a pain regularly about every 20 minutes, you need to start thinking about going to the hospital."

"Ok" I acknowledged

"But if her water breaks, they get too painful for her to cope or you get worried, you can go sooner. She can also feel free to walk around to speed things up because now she's seen that little bit of blood there's no stopping it" she finished telling me the instructions.

"Thank you doctor" I said as I ended the call and walked back towards our bedroom

I found Demi kneeling on the floor, leaning on the edge of the bed and breathing deeply. I rushed to be by her side "Another pain?" I asked 

"Yeah" she managed to say in between breaths

About half a minute later she lifted her head while breathing out "Better?" I asked

"Yeah" she sighed

"What you thinking about?" I asked her about 5 minutes later

"Just wondering how on earth I'm going to be able to get through this" she said

"You'll do it because you're one heck of a strong women" I said 

"Thank you Joe" she said as she leaned in for a kiss, as she pulled away she said "What did the doctor say?"

"She said that we need to write down times of the pains, and that if they get to a gap of 20 minutes or less we need to think about going to the hospital"

Demi nodded her head

"But she also said if they get too painful or your water breaks then we should go anyway"

"Ok" Demi said

I got up and grabbed a notebook and pen from the side table. I now had my phone on me so we would know the times of when the contractions happened. It's all systems go and I'm not sure how I feel about it.



I hope you enjoyed the update marathon for 'Two Pieces'

More updates will be coming soon, in the meantime...

Any suggestions for a middle name for Madison? Leave me a comment?

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