"So you came."

I jumped at his sudden words, looking at Kannon for advice. She shrugged at me and urged me to move closer to the glass with Ayumi, so that we could get a better look at him.

"Uh, yeah," I said meekly, pushing Ayumi's stroller against the glass. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Does there always have to be something to talk about?"

Sasuke lazily pushed himself towards the glass barrier on his seat and spun it around, looking up at me with a tired expression on his face. 

"Why did you come here?" I asked, genuinely wanting an answer from him. "What was in it for you?"

"I wasn't about to let Shisui run away with you to another country," he said in a flat voice.

"But Shisui's dead."

"I know. If I had known earlier that he was going to die, I wouldn't have been so worried."

"Worried? Worried about what?!"

"Worried about you."


"You and Shisui."

"Can you stop speaking in three word sentences and answer me?" I pleaded, wanting desperately to know where my relationship with Sasuke stood. "I don't understand you! You are the last person on earth I would expect to be taken prisoner- did you give up? I know you wouldn't have gone down without a fight!"

"I'm not saying anything else until that woman leaves." Sasuke directed his gaze at Kannon, who backed up with her arms raised.

"Only if you want me to," she said reassuringly. I sighed and waved her away, saying, "Just give us a few minutes."

"If you insist." With that, Kannon left the room, and it was just me, Sasuke, and Ayumi.

"How is she?" asked Sasuke softly, gazing tenderly at Ayumi as she stared up at him from her pram. She blinked at him as they locked eyes, before letting out what I assumed to be a little laugh and smiled. Her face had lit up; upon seeing Sasuke, she looked happy. My heart melted at the sight, but it only caused me more pain because I knew that in reality, our whole family dynamic could never work out.

"She's good," I said, clearing my throat. "Growing well. So is number two."

"Ahh, that's right. How are you feeling?"

"Morning sickness hasn't kicked in yet, but I'm sure I'll manage," I said stiffly, nodding at the Uchiha as he tapped the glass between him and Ayumi, pulling faces to entertain her.

Why is he so mellow?

"Have you thought of names?" he asked curiously, still fully focused on Ayumi.

"Wow, I'm glad you asked," I said sarcastically, crossing my arms. "What, your clan not going to send me a messenger hawk with the name they want me to name their child?"

"Don't be ridiculous. They don't have time for that," scoffed Sasuke, looking up at me. "Knowing you, if it's a boy, you're naming him Shisui, aren't you?"

"What makes you say that?" I asked incredulously, even though I knew my face was going red from being called out.

"You obviously loved Shisui very much."

"Even if I did name him Shisui, what's it to you?"

"Nothing. I'll still think of him as my child."

I frowned at Sasuke's weird behaviour, surprised that he hadn't thrown an insult or threat at me since I'd come in.

"Why did you follow me?" I asked again, this time more determined to find an answer for his oddness.

𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐑𝐄 | sasuke uchihaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora