I frowned as I thought carefully about what to pick.

"At least five, right?"


I stretched my arms, letting it go for today. Since Gaara had offered... go hard or go home, right?

"Okay, so I want this okonomiyaki-no, this one- gyūdon, chicken katsu, some gyoza, and yakitori!"

Gaara merely nodded as he scribbled down the numbers of what I ordered, and looked at Kannon as he waited for her order.

"Unadon and takoyaki," she said with a small nod. "I'm sure we'll all be able to finish the food."

"I have no doubt about that." Quickly writing down his own order, Gaara set the pen aside as he pressed the buzzer. No more than a few seconds later, the door to our private room opened, and a young waitress dressed in a black yukata with a black apron around her waist popped her head in.

"Here you go." Gaara handed the paper to the waitress, who looked starstruck at being face to face with the Kazekage. Judging by her appearance, she looked like she was a teenager, probably a high school student working part time. With flushed cheeks she took our ordering card from Gaara and bowed deeply, before quickly shutting our door and leaving us alone.

"She seemed to like you," I said jokingly, reaching over and pulling Ayumi's blanket down as it grew warmer in the room. "Mr. Kazekage, you seem to be quite popular with the ladies."

Kannon snorted while Gaara looked anything but amused.

"Thanks for your observation," he said sarcastically. "Only popular because I'm in a position of power. If it wasn't for this title, not a single person would take interest in me."

"Aw, don't be like that," said Kannon teasingly. "You're pretty good looking. I'm sure girls would have flocked to you regardless of whether you were Kazekage or not."

"Very funny, Kannon," said Gaara dryly. A smile began tugging at the corners of my mouth, and I looked away from the pair to hide my face.

"Excuse me! Your drinks have arrived!"

There was a knock on the wooden frame of our door before it slid open again, and the same young waitress reappeared carrying a tray with three glasses and a jug of water. Behind her was a shelf on wheels, similar to what attendants pushed around on trains, which held countless bottles of beverages.

"Amaterasu, would you like a drink?" asked Gaara smoothly, taking the tray from the waitress and sliding it onto the table.

"Oooh, give me a bottle of that red wine," said Kannon, pointing to the bottom shelf of the girl's cart. "I don't care what brand it is."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know your name was Amaterasu," said Gaara, making Kannon laugh.

"Okay, fine, give me the cheapest bottle of wine you have," said Kannon, rolling her eyes at the Kazekage.

"What? That's not what I meant," he said hurriedly, waving at the girl. "Just give us your finest bottle of red wine. Amaterasu, you?"

"I'm fine with water, thank you."

The girl looked nervous as she took out two wine glasses and placed them before Gaara and Kannon, before giving Gaara the wine bottle with shaking hands.

"You okay there?" I asked as the girl picked up the tray, almost dropping it in the process.

"Y-Yes. I'm sorry," she said fervently, bowing at us once more before sliding the door shut at the speed of light.

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