After a minute of waiting for all the girls to run pasted me I turned and smiled happily at Liam. Running out from his hiding spot we did our hand shake which consist of missing a high fiving hitting low. Still holding my hand he dipped me back into a kiss a brought me back up quickly. A few squeals brought us out of our bubble as we turned wide eyed to see a small crowd of girls in superheroes shirts jumping with phones in their hands. My guess is that all this would be in the internet tomorrow.

“Uh hi?” I waved sheepishly.

“Oh my gosh, she’s talking to us,” I heard on of them whisper.

“What is life,”

“This is real right cause if I’m dreaming this I will be hella pissed.” The group of girls went on making comments until I finally couldn’t take it. Busting out laughing I leaned against Liam for support almost falling over from laughing so hard. A few moments later I was calm enough to spurt out a random sentence.

“They’re just like me and my girls,” I said jumping up and down pointing. Liam put a hand on my shoulders to make me stop jumping but I kept smiling anyways.

“They are so cute together,” another round of talking came from the small group of girls who made little comments about how they loved us.

Liam and I looked at each other and struck our couple pose we had been practicing along with the hand shake we did earlier. The pose consists of Liam and I flexing dramatically.

“We know were kind of awesome,” we both simultaneously kissed our muscles before I jumped on Liam’s back who ran away quickly. Shouting out a quick by we ran down the street or well Liam ran while I hung on for dear life. Turning a corner we ran into the 24 our store that was our earlier destination. Grabbing a cart I jumped on the end while Liam pushed it throwing in random things. At the end of our shopping spree we had a pack of Oreos, a pound of sour gummy worms, some random chocolate bars, a six pack of dr. pepper, and two matching nerf guns because they were on sale. Checking out quickly we ran back to the hotel and successfully snuck back in without being noticed.

Once we reached our room and were inside we went back to the kitchen and emptied our bags. Snacking on our treats we talked quietly on the floor of the kitchen. Looking at the clock I noticed it was about 5 in the morning. No sense in going to sleep now. Grabbing my nerf gun from of the floor I loaded it quickly before shooting Liam in the chest surprising him.

“You shot me,” he said dramatically holding his chest. Plucking the dart off he threw it back nailing me in the forehead making me laugh. Trying to be quiet we both rolled away from the other with our guns fully loaded. Our nerf war began in the kitchen but it ended an hour later in the living room. Darts littered the floor walls windows and TV. God thing we bought the extra darts or we would have been SOL. We were in a standoff at the moment both of us with one dart waiting for the other to shot.

“Put the gun down char, it doesn’t have to end like this.” Liam said still pointing his.

“Yes that’s exactly why you should just put yours down and then I will.”

“You first,” I was about to reply when a door opening shocked both of us making us fire our guns in the direction. At the other end of our fire was Carl who had two nerf dart stuck to each of his cheeks. Dropping our guns I screamed.

“Every man for themselves!” I ran for the closest room which was conveniently Liam’s we both ran in there putting our backs against the door dramatically sliding down. Nodding Liam walked to the bed motioning for me to follow. Running I tackled him on the bed making us fall quickly on to the soft surface. Letting out a grunt he laughed quietly with me.

“Hi,” I said with a smile looking down at him. Leaning up he kissed me softly making me smile even larger than before. Breaking away I whispered, “I love you,” softly.

“I love you more,”

“Nuh uh I love you more then I love gummy worms,”

“Well I love you more then I love…batman,”

“That’s a lot but I love you more then I love One Direction. Boom. Win.” I furiously threw my hands into a round of spirit fingers dramatically.

Laughing he rolled over and kissed my forehead as he hovered over me.

“How bout we call it a tie,”

“I can deal with that,” grinning at each other we cuddled into each other. Sleepily rubbing my eyes I began to drift off into the world of rainbows and shirtless boys aka dream land.


thanks for reading! hope yall liked it!




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