They looked shocked that she even wanted there names. Can you say starstruck.

Raising her eyebrow in a contradicting manor she spoke again "well,"

"I'm Brice this is Cale and that's Evan," the one in the middle said pointing to each boy.

"Well boys I'm very flattered that you went to those extents but next time just send us a tweet saying your a big fan, not sneak into our hotel room to say it," she said with a laugh making them blush.

"Sorry..." They all said quietly not making eye contact with her.

Placing her paintball gun and bat down she sat on the couch.

"Charlie what are you doing, we need to report them or something!" I said in a whisper yell even though I know they could hear me.

"Come on mads you know we would have done the same back when we were obsessed with the boys. Cut them a little slack. Plus I'm kinda impressed with them," she said shrugging from her spot on the couch.

"Touché," was all I said as I sat next to her.

"Sit," she commanded. They quickly scrambled to spots in front of us. "Now ask any questions I know are brewing away in your brains," she smiled warmly at them as there faces broke out into grins.

Gosh she's crazy.

-Liam's P.O.V.-

"Someone's in the room! Wait why does Charlie have a gun!" I heard Niall yell into the phone making me drop my mic.

"What!" I yelled running at Niall. "What's going on!"

"Liam calm down there going to be fine," he said as I made a grab for the phone. He pulled it away but accidentally ended the call. "CARL PAUL! We need to get back to the hotel now! Some ones in the girls room," they both went straight face.

"Get in the van," was the only thing Carl said as we all ran. Jumping in they started the vehicle and bolted out of the parking lot.

"Can this thing go any faster," I said angrily. Picking up my phone I dialed Charlie but it went straight to voice mail.

Niall did the same for maddie but received no answer.

-Niall's p.o.v.-

"I'm going to kick there asses," Liam said threw his teeth as we rolled up to the hotel jumping out of the van with me hot on his tail.

Sprinting in I was having an issue keeping up due to my knee problems, he quickly made it to the elevator but it seemed to be taking to long for his liking because he bolted to the stairs.

I knew I'd be to slow I stood waiting for the elevator that came everyone else seemed to now have caught up and waited as well after a minute. Jumping in I pressed the 7th floor button. We probably were going to beat Liam up there.

After a few moments we made it to our floor just as Liam ran I front of the elevator still at a quick pace all of us now following him.

Pulling a key from his pocket he quickly stuck it in the scanner. Once it turned green he practically ripped the door handle opening it.

-Liam's P.O.V- (sorry for all the switching of POV's)

As I opened the door a beautiful laugh meet my ears. Confused I ran farther in to see Charlie and mads laughing with three guys about their age sprawled out on the floor clutching there stomachs as they laughed.


Her head snapped up a large smile on her face as she jumped off the couch and sprang into my waiting arms.

"Li li?" She said happily. Turning her so the she was slightly behind me I stared down the boys on the floor making them straighten up. Glancing over I saw Niall in a similar position with Maddie.

Pulling away from her I scanned for injuries quickly before pulling her back.

"What happened," I head Paul ask. They both gave us a run down of what had happened from the boys coming in till now.

"Do you want us to make them leave," Carl said crossing his arms giving them menacing looks.

"Nah there cool," Mads chirped out with Charlie giving a nod of agreement.

"And what's this about char having a gun,"Harry said from the back of the small mob that was stationed at the door way.

Breaking away from me Charlie picked up said object, " oh this?" She said raising it. Pointing it she shot it off.

"Ahh she shot me!" He yelled holding his chest, but instead of blood on his shirt there was a bright blue spot.

"It's a paintball gun dumb ass," she said waving it around.

Taking it from her hand I set it down. "Your something else Charlotte," I said nuzzling my nose to hers.

"Is everyone else going to ignore that she just shot me!" Harry yelled,

"Yes and I'll do it again if you keep talking," she said with a cheeky smile.

"I think it's time these boys left," Paul said finally.

Groaning the girls ushered them out quickly with promises of twitter follows.

"Well this has been a very eventful day but I think I'm going to go take a nap," char said with a yawn.

"Me too," I said quickly lifting her in my arms waking us to her room.

Leaving the rest of the group with just a smile.


Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it!




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