Eventually I feel my eyes getting heavy and Kakashi notices as he picks me up and takes me to bed.

Once I'm laying on the soft mattress and soft pillow I feel my body relax as I close my eyes.

-In the morning-

After taking a shower and eating breakfast with dad he left for a mission.

He said he would be gone for a couple days so he took me to Shikamaru's house to stay.

But Shikamaru wasn't there and neither was his father so he went to Hinata's house next.

As we walked up the sidewalk memories of the attack her father did to me came to mind.

I feel my heart beat rise as I tighten my hand in Kakashi's as he knocks on the door.

Hinata's dad opens the door and we lock eyes for a moment then he looks away.


"I was wondering if Mizuki could stay here for a couple days while I'm out on a mission."

"I don't see why not. Come on in dear."

I just stand there frozen in place with my hand stuck in Kakashi's when he kneels down next to me.

"Come on Mizuki. I have to go." He says and I hug him.

After our hug he leaves and I walk inside to see Hinata sitting with Neji in the grass out back.

Before I can walk outside to join them Hiashi grabs my shoulder and turns me to face him.

"Don't try anything stupid." He growls.

I just nod my head and he lets go as I walk outside and Hinata smiles at me when I see a smirk on Neji's face.

"H-Hi Mizuki." Hinata says softly.


"What brings you here?" Neji says rather rudely.

"My dad went on a mission so he asked if I could stay here."

"Cool. Do you wanna go for a walk?" Hinata asks cheerfully.


We head inside and she puts on her sandals as we leave the house and walk through the village.

We see Naruto up ahead in a mask store when the man who owns the store throws the mask at him.

"Take it! Take it and get out!" He yells.

"Poor Naruto." Hinata mumbles.

"I know." I say as I look around to see people staring at me.

"Why are people looking at me?" I whisper.

"Maybe they are jealous of your purple hair." She says with a giggle.

Naruto drops the mask in front of the store and runs away when the clerk walks up and takes the mask.

I walk over to the shop and I stare at the clerk who looks at me and smiles when I snatch the mask out of his hand.

"You don't know how great of a kid Naruto is! You are a monster! He's a kid!" I say as chakra starts to seep off my body.

I calm myself down as I hand the clerk some money and he looks at me with sadness in his eyes.

I grab Hinata's hand and I run in the same direction Naruto took off in and I see him sitting on a hill.

He has tears running down his face and I walk up to him with Hinata next to me.

"Here Naruto." I say as I hold the mask out to him.

"How did you know I wanted this?" He says through sniffles.

"We saw what happened with the clerk." I say and he looks at me sadly.

"H-Hi Naruto." Hinata says softly.

He looks up and smiles at her and I hold my hand out and he takes it as he stands up.

-3 days later-

I woke up that morning feeling sick to my stomach maybe because I skipped dinner last night or I'm hungry.

I walk downstairs and make some toast while I run back upstairs to change.

I hear the toaster go off from upstairs so I take off towards it and I grab the toast then leave.

After closing the door I run down the street with toast in my mouth and I see the water next to me as I cross the bridge.

As I turn I run in to someone and I fall dropping my toast on the ground as I look up to see a pinkette rubbing her head.

Her hair is down with a pink bow in it and she looks up at me with green emerald eyes.

"I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." I say as I stand up and I hold out my hand.

She just smiles and grabs my hand as I help her up and she just smiles even wider.

"It's okay. I'm Sakura." She says softly.


"Wait aren't you Kakashi Hatake's daughter?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" I ask as we go and sit on a bench.

"My parents went on a mission with him before. They mentioned he ha a daughter now."

"Yeah that's me. But I'm not really his daughter."

"What do you mean?" She asks while tilting her head.

"What I mean is that my parents are dead. He's just watching over me. So I'm still making friends and learning the Leaf village." I say sadly.

"Oh. Well I'll be your friend."


*End of flashback*

I snap back in to reality to see I went unconscious and I'm in someone's arms as I look up to see Sasuke.

"Finally your awake." He says with a smile.

"S-Sorry. I don't know what happened."

"It's okay. But right now we need to fight Kaguya."

"K-Kaguya? They brought her back?!" I say as I sit up and I look over to see her.

The next chappy will be the fight between Team 7 and Kaguya. It might last two chappy's. Unless you want me to fit the whole fight in to one big chappy. Let me know.

Well I hope you enjoy the chappy!

Love you guys <3


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