Chapter 1

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Hurrying down the corridor, Belle was on her way to her first lesson of Defence Against the Dark arts, the new Professor, Remus Lupin, looked kind-hearted and lenient but Belle had learned not to judge a book by its cover. She once picked up a book called The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and expected it to be just a child's fantasy book but it was so much more. It held the meaning of family love and showed how four children who had to leave their mother alone during the second world war in muggle history and ended up escaping into a magical world and fighting in their own war. It made her heart melt and it is now one of her favourite novels and she has read all of the series, only to find that the book was the third book in the series but could be read first as it still made sense if the first two were seen as prequels.

Fortunately, Belle arrived to the lesson just as the rest of fifth year Ravenclaws did along with fifth year Gryffindors. 'That's strange, normally Gryffindors are with the Slytherin's for DADA,' she pondered to herself but shrugged it off taking a seat in the far left corner of the room, alone.

"Good Afternoon, students. My name is Professor Lupin and as you well know I will be your Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher." The tall, lean man with multiple scars, greeted. " This year, I am sorry to say but will be ask a lot from you as you have to both learn new curriculum and remember old curriculum as it is your O.W.L.S this year. Although, I will be here to help and hopefully this class will be the least of your worries when it comes to your examinations."

Sat with her quill , ink and parchment ready, Belle listened to her professor carefully, in hopes that she will boost her grades this year. "For the two lessons I have with you today we shall start looking over counter-jinxes. Does anyone have an idea as to what a counter-jinx is?"

Nobody raised there hand.

"A Counter-Jinx is a type of  that ends the effect of a jinx. It differs from an  in that an anti-jinx is intended to prevent those effects rather than remove them." Lupin explained and Belle scribbled down what he was saying. "However! Here is what may confuse you. Despite there not being a specified definition for a counter-spell, one would naturally assume from the name that counter-spells counter the spell type that replaces the "-spell" suffix in their name (if it does so). For example, a counter-charm should theoretically reverse a charm, a counter-curse should reverse a curse, a counter-jinx a jinx, a counter-transfiguration a transfiguration and so on. However, this theory appears to be canonically contradicted on several occasions."

For the two hours that he was teaching, Lupin noticed how many students took notes, here and there, but the blue haired girl in the back, wrote down everything. From her robes he just assumed it was because she is a Ravenclaw but of course he was mistaken, but he didn't know that.

The lessons ended and the students left the classroom, all chatting amongst each other apart from Belle. She held back a little to pack her equipment up properly, so that everything was neat in her bag, and the notes would not be crinkled. She even carefully placed her wand into her robe pockets in a certain way, and adjusted the straps of her bag which had come loose naturally. Remus walked around his classroom-something he never would have thought he would be able to say, if his old friends were here they probably would have called it or made a joke about it- and picked up stray parchment and quills left by students. he placed them into the bin and turned around just to see Belle leaving his classroom. He shrugged it off and began to read a newspaper he had before dinner.

As Belle walked down the corridors she heard people whisper about the mass-murderer Sirius Black, who had recently escaped the wizarding prison, Azkaban. 'What a change, not being whispered about.' She smiled inside. Even though, no attention was on her, she kept her head low and made her way to a deserted corridor. She had at least an hour before dinner and decided to write in her journal.

A loud bang sounded not far from where Belle was sat causing her ink to smudge and her to not be able to finish her journal entry

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A loud bang sounded not far from where Belle was sat causing her ink to smudge and her to not be able to finish her journal entry. The sound of two boys laughing bounced off of the stone walls and hurriedly but neatly, Belle packed away her items, leaving the journal entry unfinished. She was about to turn out of the corridor when she got hit on the foot by some sort of round object.

There was another loud bang, this time from the sphere by her foot and suddenly smoke poured out causing her to choke and scream in pain after it began to make her eyes sting. The pain was unbearable, and her hands clutched over her closed eyelids, her screams were so loud she could just about hear someone exclaim, 'SHIT!' and footsteps running towards her.

"Miss Florence what is wrong?" The familiar squeaky voice, of her head of house, Professor Fillius Flitwick asked tugging on her robe. "Please calm down and stop screaming."

More footsteps echoed and Belle could only gather that a crowd had formed as she fell to the floor gripping her eyes. "Fillius, what seems to be the problem?" Minerva McGonagall asked, as her and other teachers surrounded the two Ravenclaws. "Miss Florence? Dear Merlin, my dear what has happened?" The woman knelt down beside the girl who was still screaming.

Belle didn't reply.

Professor Sprout walked closer to her colleague and her student and surveyed the area. She spotted a round object labelled, 'Smoke Bomb 2003' and picked it up. "I believe this may be the cause of the issue." She said holding it up. "These are supposed to be smoke bombs you let go at least ten metres away from someone otherwise they can cause severe issues."

"Miss Florence, did the smoke go into your eyes?" McGonagall questioned. The girl rolled around in pain but nodded. Flitwick levitated the girl into the air and got her to the hospital wing, whilst McGonagall informed Professor Dumbledore.

Maybe her year wasn't going to be different. Maybe it was going to be just as bad. Or even worse.

A/n- Hello, throughout this book there shall be Journal entries and I understand that if you do not have WIFI you may not be able to see them therefore at the end of the chapter the Journal entries will be posted in an A/n at the end:

Monday, 3rd September.

Dear Journal,

Today was a pretty average day, well not really, I mean, with all of this Sirius Black stuff circling throughout the air and the blasted dementors hanging around the school- I'd say it's been pretty average.

The only good thing about the Black on the loose stuff, less people have paid less attention to me. I had DADA for the first time this year, today and Professor Lupin seems alright. The way he presents himself is how a defence against the dark arts should, they are not quivery like Quirrell, not a phoney like Lockhart, he seems as if he knows his stuff. It's pretty clear he does, due to all of his scars etched across his face; but I don't know him and therefore I can't say if they are from his experience with the dark arts.

So far nothing bad has happened either but it's probably because we only arrived at school two days ago, on Saturday 1st September 1993. Touch wood, it is a normal year this year, but I suppo...

(The ... Shows the ink spoltching)

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