Dig's Demise Part 2

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AN This chapter contains extreme and graphic violence. Proceed with caution!

Dig felt his face being slapped hard. He didn't want to wake up; the pain was too intense, he just wanted to sleep. The slapping continued though.

"Wake up!!! Wake up, you sick fuck!" He heard a voice growl at him.

He slowly opened his eyes to a pair of sky blue eyes boring into him. The face split into a grin when they saw him open his eyes.

"Well, good morning sunshine!" The Joker laughed out. "You are missing all the fun!" He laughed again.

Dig sneered at him.

J put on a mocking grin. "What??? You wish you could sleep through the pain?? Nursey wanted to do that to, but you were considerate enough to keep waking her up right?? So she wouldn't miss anything! Well, my friend, I am just doing the same to you."

Dig growled, slightly shifting in his seat. He let out a scream of pain when the small movement caused him intense pain. He looked down and let out a savage yell when he saw his crotch exposed, cigar burns up and down his length.

He looked over to the couch where Hatter sat casually, smiling over at him.

"You...you stupid fucking..."

Hatter just laughed as he motioned Panda Man over. It was then that Dig noticed that Panda had a video camera trained on him.

"What the fuck??"

Joker cackled. "Surprised? I thought you loved making films!! And I think your family will quite enjoy this video when we send it to them."

Dig yelled out again. "You think you have won Joker?? You think you kill me and it will be the end?? You couldn't be more wrong!"

"Oh, no, no, no! Of course this isn't the end! I am going to kill the whole Leon family, one by one."

Joker let out a loud holler of joy, turning around the room. "Now let the party, continue! "Hatter, Marley, if you would be so kind! And Frosty Boy, the gun please."

Hatter and Marley walked up to Dig, each taking a knife and starting to cut off the ropes holding him to the chair.

Jonny brought over a large silver gun to J, who took it, and put it against Dig's temple.

"Nice gun, Dig; though, I do prefer my own. But for this occasion, I think yours is perfect."

After the goons had gotten the rope off, they violently shoved him to the floor. Dig let out a loud scream as his cuts and burns made contact with the plush carpet of the VIP room. He turned his face to the side and saw J holding out the gun to the girl sitting in the shadows.

"Princess? Is this it? Is this the one?"

Dig heard a small, voice answer. "Y....yes...that's the one."

"Perfect!" J purred, inspecting the gun in
his hand before crouching to the ground next to Dig, who was trying to move but with his injuries, was easily being held down by Hatter and Marley.

J brought the gun to Dig's face. "So, Dig...I hear this is your favorite toy."

Dig just glared at him.

"Tell me dear Dig...what did you do to my baby girl with this gun?"

Dig just sneered.

Joker grit his teeth and pushed the gun into his temple. "Tell me what you did to Nursey. With.This.Gun!!"

"Fuck you!" Dig growled out.

Joker stood up with a sigh. "Oh, Harley!" He called towards the back of the club. "Could you come here?"

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