Perfect Tragedy

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Lisbeth sat quietly in the middle of the mountain of pillows on Harley's bed. Her gaze wandered off into nowhere. She really didn't know how to feel at this point. She was happy to be with Harley but she missed her patients at Belle Reve; they really were her whole life. She needed a purpose in life to make it through the day. Her work at the hospital was her penance; her reason for getting out of bed each morning instead of continuing her wine drinking binge.

She started thinking about how much she could use a few shots, when a loud knock on the door echoed through the room.

"Come in," she said turning around and hanging her legs off the side of the large bed.

Brandon poked his smiling face in the room, "Are you decent, my lady?"

Lisbeth couldn't help but smile back at the energetic boy. "Yep, come on in."

With that Brandon came in followed by a few more costumed thugs; all of them carrying boxes.

"What is all this?" Lisbeth asked as they piled the boxes in a corner of the room.

"All your stuff, my lady. Boss asked us to empty out your apartment and bring everything to you."

Lisbeth sat frozen; up until now she could pretend she was just a guest and could leave at any time. This made it permanent though; she was now a part of this crazy family.

As they were finishing up stacking the boxes, Jonny walked in.

"We have your apartment all taken care of, my lady. Now you need to let me know, is there going to be anyone looking for you, any family harassing the police to find you?"

Lisbeth just shook her head no, gazing to her side, out the window.

Brandon popped his head around Jonny's shoulder "Really? No family at all? That's sad!"

Jonny snapped his head towards Hatter, a glare imprinted on his face. "I think it is time you go."

"But bro..."

"You only refer to me as sir, here!" Jonny bellowed in a rage that Lisbeth had not seen in this perpetually calm man. "Now, get out!!!!"

Brandon gulped and rushed out the door, followed quickly by the rest of the thugs. Jonny stepped back and closed the door, before returning to Lisbeth.

"The Hatter-he's your brother?"

Jonny cleared his throat, "Half-brother; a product of my father's second family." He said with a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"He seems like a really nice kid," Lisbeth said quietly.

"He is an arrogant child who needs to learn his place." Jonny replied quickly. He glared down at Lisbeth but noticing her pained expression, he tried to soften his face and calm his voice.

He smirked, "Joker likes some things nice and sweet-like you," Lisbeth visibly reddened at this. "But he definitely does not like his men nice."

Lisbeth nodded slowly, understanding what Jonny was saying.

"May I sit by you, my lady?" Jonny asked politely. Lisbeth just nodded and pointed to the bed next to her.

Jonny sat down and turned to face her. "You said you had no one in your life, so who are these people to you?" He pulled out the only two photographs Lisbeth kept in her apartment , out of his jacket.

Lisbeth slowly took the one on top, a slight smile on her face.

"My baby brother and sister...twins...the two most free-spirited people I know. Didn't listen to my parents and go to college. They are working on opening their own tattoo parlor."

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