I Don't Want My Nursey Broken

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Harley sat with her book and espresso, enjoying a quiet moment, no guards bothering her or hassling her. She gave a quiet sigh of contentment before she heard all hell break loose. She heard guns going off all around her as guards stormed into the small area around her cell. All of a sudden an explosion went off, causing Harley to scurry to a corner and cover her head.
All of a sudden one of the guards was cutting into her cell and another guard rushed in as the cell door fell to the ground. Harley was frozen in shock...until the guard ripped off his mask.

"Puddin!" She yelled, jumping into the Joker's arms. Joker embraced her back, a serious look on his face. "Let's go home."

He started pulling Harley out of the cell until he noticed her trying to squirm out of his grip.
He looked over at her, letting out a sigh.
"What is it, Harley? We don't have much time."

"Puddin! We need to get her...bring her with us!" She squealed back at him.

Now Joker started to get frustrated, "What are you talking about? Who?"

"Nurse L! She has been the only kind face I have had here; she takes care of me."

"Why the fuck would I want to bring some prison nurse with us??"

"Puddin, the guards, that asshole Griggs-they all treat her horribly because she is the only one who is kind to us in here. I am afraid they are going to break her-I like her-I don't want my Nursey broken!"

Joker looked into Harley's eyes annoyed, but also a little surprised-the only other person Harley had shown this much loyalty to was himself; he was curious about this woman.

"Fine," Joker growled back at Harley, putting his finger to her chest. "But I promise you little girl, if getting this woman puts this mission in jeopardy, I will kill you myself!"

Harley just laughed at his words, pulling him out of the cell behind her.

"Come on, men!" Joker yelled to his men, " the queen has a damsel-in-distress she is wanting to save." All his thugs followed behind the couple, shooting at anyone who crossed their path. "Where exactly are we going to find your little pet?" Joker muttered to Harley as he shot at a guard that was still twitching on the ground.

"My guess would be the infirmary, Mistah J. So we check their first."

"First!!!" Joker yelled at Harley's back as she sped up, leading them all down the hall to the medical wing. "We are not searching this whole damned prison for one stupid nurse! We will check the medical wing and then we are gone! I don't care if I have to knock you out and carry you out of this fucking place!" Joker sneered as he caught up with Harley at the doorway to the infirmary.

"Oh, Puddin'" Harley cooed in Joker's ear, "doesn't it bring back memories?" Harley said pointing to a cold, brown cot, very similar to the one that Harley had been electrocuted by her love on, at Arkham Asylum. Joker just laughed maniacally while he told his men to spread out and look for a nurse.

"Blonde hair, gray eyes and awesome tits." Harley sang out to the men, hoping to aid them on their search.

Luckily not even 30 seconds later, one of the men came from a storage closet holding a small shaking woman in green scrubs.

"Nurse L!" Harley cried out running up to the woman and pulling her out of the thug's arms. "You are safe now, lovely!"

Joker looked the nurse over, she had long wavy blonde hair pulled up in a low ponytail, big gray eyes that were currently watery with tears. And he did have to admit as he looked at her small body, she had an amazing chest.

Lisbeth melted into Harley's arms and looked up in her eyes.

"What's going on?"

"Mistah J and I are taking you with us!! I will never let you get hurt again my sweet Nursey!!"

Lisbeth gave a confused look to Harley as she tried to wiggle out of her arms. "W..what do you mean? I need to stay here-this is my job-my home."

At that moment another thug pulled a struggling guard into the room.

"Ahhh...Officer Griggs.."Joker purred, causing Harley to drop her arms from Lisbeth and stalk over to where J and Griggs were.

Griggs looked in terror at the crime couple of Gotham.

"Mister Joker sir...I promise...I haven't laid a hand on your girl since our talk. I am sorry...I can't be responsible for what other guards do..."

Joker looked over at Harley, a questioning look on his face.

"Well, Puddin', he is right. He doesn't lay a finger on me anymore...he just has the other guards so it for him."

Griggs face paled as he looked between the two clowns.

"But I will tell you who he does touch...and grope...and treat like shit....My Nursey..." Harley said with venom in her voice.

"Oh...I see..." Joker said slowly, a large grin taking over his face, "Well Officer, it seems my lady has taken a liking to this Nurse you have been harassing so it looks like you lose." Joker let out a loud laugh, "Where should I shoot him first, baby?"

Harley let out an identical laugh, "Right in the limp dick!"

Joker pulled out his gun and quickly shot Griggs in the crotch.

Griggs yelled out an agonizing cry as Joker's grin turned quickly into a frown.

"Well, I usually like playing with my food, but frankly Griggs, your pathetic face is starting to annoy me so...Goodbye Officer."

With that Joker shot Griggs between the eyes
and watched him slump to the ground. He turned back to see a stunned Nurse looking at Griggs with horrified eyes. Harley slowly walked to her and took her hand.

"It had to be done; it was the only way. You are free now." Lisbeth looked at Harley, silent tears starting to run down her face.
"We will always protect you Nurse L, just come with us...please." Harley added with a small smile on her face.

Lisbeth knew she must be as crazy as this couple at the moment because she reached out and took Harley's hand, letting her lead her to the door.

Joker let out a loud cackle as he led the two ladies to the van waiting outside.

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