49. I'm not a virgin anymore Chris

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My eyes were focused on the door hoping to see alex. I'm sure by now he must have known I'm awake. Don't he want to talk to me. Atleast something.

But then the other part of me was still arguing why the hell do i want to see him. Don't forget what all has he done to you. Screw him.

My head popped up when i felt a warm hand cupping my hands in his. I have him finally in front of me holding my hands and looking at me with such intensity. I always wanted this moment with him. I love him right?????

" how are you feeling? " chris asked in a voice barely audible but i can't help but chuckle on it. I'm feeling so so good.

" I'm fine " i replied insted of giving him a sarcastic comment. He's already feeling too bad and low.

" I'm sorry rose " he stated and before i could interrupt he shook his head telling me don't " let me say. Please. I'm so sorry for everything. For abandoning you. For being so blind. For hurting you so much " the tone in his voice is already telling me that today I'm gonna get all my answers.

He sucked a breath and averted his gaze " the first day i bumped into you is the very first time i lost my heart to you. But that was the day also i promised myself something. I didn't want to get into a girl for now. The girl i loved for three years had just left me like i was nothing to her and i was broken. I could have used you to forget her but no. I soon realised that you are not that type of girl and I was falling for you more as each day passed " he was finally confessing to me. He was finally admitting his feelings. But i was just staring at him blankly i don't know why.

He raised his eyes to meet mine. His next words were not even making me jealous from a girl.
" I loved nina alot rose. she was my everything. I planned my future with her. We were so happy together that there was nothing and no one which could make us apart. But i still dont know what fucking happened that one nit suddenly she was so desperate for a break up. Before i had the chance to confront her she was gone. She just left me a message and was gone. You don't know i was in so much pain that not even my life was appealing to me anymore. I didn't want that same pain again. That's why i tried to stay away from you as much as possible. But suddenly you also left and i got so damn scared to loose you too that i broke in your house " finally after listening to so much my heart was feeling his pain. My heart was Atleast reacting to him. I was finally understanding him. But there was still some unsaid thing.

I raised my hands and wiped his tears but my eyes were plain dry " then again what happened to you. Why did you again behaved so coldly after that? " i asked and his body tense. I again thought that he will still not say me but he spoke.

" Nina. She's back. " he said but that didn't surprise me. I kind of expected it.

" that day when i told you to stay away from me was the same morning she called me. Wen i woke up next morning i remember everything. I really won't have regret kissing you and i was about to propose you. But she called me the moment i was about to call you. She was crying over the phone. I went to pick her up. She was such a mess when i saw her and I just couldn't leave her alone. She is pregnant rose " those last words left my eyes wide open. Nina is back and she's pregnant? With whose child? Is it chris? Then what is he doing her justifying to me.

" not with my child. " he said it quickly seeing my expressions.
" she says she was never in love with me. She left me because she loved someone else but after knowing she's pregnant he just left her. Nina is an orphan so she had no one except me. I'm just helping her. " my respect grew more for this man. nina hurted him so much but then to keeping that aside he just didn't abandon someone whose pregnant and is helping her too.

" you did the right thing chris. If you would have told me i would've understand " i stated and he smiled.

" I was scared rose. The same way you didn't trust me with alex situation i can't trust you with nina. " just his name heightened my senses again. I want to see him. " I thought that if you see my ex and on top you saw her pregnant you won't trust me. That's why i thought it's better to stay away from you. I was trying to save you and myself from the pain. That is the actual reason I started dating Natalie. So that you forget me totally. I was just trying to be safe " everything fell into place now. Every mystery of this man finally revealed. Every damn thing which was confusing and iritating me was now explained.

I was just wondering one thing but was it the curiosity or was it love that i wanted to know everything. I left that weird feeling aside for now.

" Does Natalie know anythin? " i ask and he shook his head. This means their relationship was total fake and name sake.

" but she knows that I don't love her. I was clear to her when i proposed her that i don't love her. I told her i just want some distraction and to my surprise she actually agreed " well I'm not surprise. I know she thought that she'll somehow make chris fall in love with her. This was an opportunity for her to make chris his.

I nodded and took a deep breath taking all the information in. This was so much. I raised my head and met his eyes. Preparing ourself for the final test. For the final words.

" why are you saying me all this?" i ask so stupidly. Of course i know but i just ask for name sake.

He chuckle hard and i smile too for the change in atmosphere
" you dont know? " he tease raising an eyebrow.

" no " i shook my head feigning innocence.

He leans closer cupping my cheeks in his palms. He take a deep pause tensing the atmosphere and finally spill.
" because I love you rose "

A gasp left my mouth at this. I finally heard the words I've been longing to hear from so long.


I didn't expect to hear it when I've just come from the dead and laying on a hospital bed

I didn't expect to hear it when I'm missing alex

I didn't expect my heart to be so calm on hearing it.

I didn't expect myself to push chris away when he was about to kiss me.

and i definitely didn't expect to say the words i said next after hearing from the person i love confessing his love to me

" but I'm not a virgin anymore chris "

Any questions

Any suggestions

SO this was chris side of story why he was always distant with rose.

please vote if you like this story or chapter even a bit


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