"Nope you missed," he said pointing at his lips. Shaking my head with a smile I leant up and kissed him.

"You know I'm still hear right?" Maddie said ruining the moment again.

"Oh I was hoping you left,"

"Hurtful char, hurtful," she started to fake cry and ran out of the room. Probably to tattle to Niall.

"Well this has been an eventful morning but I'm gunna go finish my hair," I stated gesturing to my half curled hair. Detaching Liam from myself I walked back I the bathroom. Picking up to curler I quickly finished my hair and styled it to my liking. Winking at my self in the mirror I blew a kiss and pranced back out. Looking around I quickly found Liam sitting on the couch glaring at his phone.

"What's got you all grumpy?" I joked.

"Someone made a hate page," he stated angrily.

"Well babe you have a tone of hate pages I don't see why your so angry now.." I stated confused.

"It's not for one direction," he sighed, " it's a page about me and you, they think were faking," he ran a hand threw his hair tousling it slightly. "I just wish people would accept us for us. I mean come on there are pictures of me buying you tampons! What fake boyfriend dose that!" He said throwing his hands up slightly.

"A good fake boyfriend?"

"Not helping Charlie," he stated dryly.

"Babe people do this, they always will just ignore it. It's not like I care or take it to heart." I tried to reassure.

"But that's not the point some guy is gunna think that your free to date and make a move!" Oh so this is his problem.

"Well then I'll tell him I'm taken."

"But what if he thinks your lying and keeps it up."

"Well then I'll get my amazing not fake boyfriends to beat him up," I said smiling. His lips twitched trying to hold in the smile that threatened to come out. Skipping forward I straddled his waist on the couch. "Plus why would I want anyone guy when you look like this," I stated running one hand over his bicep. Sliding it up I lifted his chin with one finger so that we had direct eye contact. "Although if you get fat were so done," I said in the most snobby voice I could muster.

Flipping me on the couch he laughed loudly above me. Tickling my sides making me laugh loudly.

"Li-Liam s-stop!" I shouted through my laughter trying to push his hands off me but having no luck.

"Tell me you'll love me when I get fat!" He stated with a cheeky smile.

"No!" I shouted back.

"Well then I guess I'm not stopping,"

"OK!" I finally shouted not being able to take it. "I'll love you when your fat and squishy! Or even if you turn into a ball of goo!" I said quickly. Thankfully he stopped.

"Good," he said with a small smile. "I'll love you when you get fat and gooey too." Sitting up straight I pushed him off me on to the floor.

"So your saying I'm gunna get fat. Is this your way of hinting that I need to lose weight," I was joking but by the way he was looking at me he didn't know that.

Grabbing both my hands while

He sat on his knees he pleaded with his eyes as he spoke. "Babe I didn't mean it like that your perfect! You don't need to loose any weight!" He would have gone on longer if I didn't start to crack up falling on the floor as I rolled.

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